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madhu mittal (director)     10 December 2011

How to handle, registered letter got unserved, but opened

A registered letter with A/D sent, got back unserved, but letter was opened and packed with stapler pin. When asked to postman to mention that the letter is opened, he refused to mark it so. Let me know how to handle this situation to get marked that letter is opened one and whether sendee can get it opened, read the letter in it and get sent back it undelivered with the remarks “incomplete address”. How to handle this situation and what is the law?

 11 Replies

Krish Narayan (Advocate)     11 December 2011

Immediately lodge a complaint to the Superintendent of Post Office...

1 Like

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     11 December 2011

Mr Narayan is right.  This complaint will cost a career in post office.  in all probobility the letter was delievered unauthroiseldy by delivery postman and taken back for a bribe. The receipent has received it and caused it to return to you.  This is a fraud. mark a copy of the complaint to chief vigilance officer, deptt of posts, dak bhavan, sansad marg, new delhi-110001

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     11 December 2011

Can you prove, in the investigation, that the letter was opened? otherwise, blaming the postman may backfire. 

1 Like

madhu mittal (director)     11 December 2011

let me know how to prove it. What should be done or what precaution should be taken at the time of delivery of  "opened unserved registered letter" back if same thing happens again in future also.

Siddharth More (Selfemployed)     12 December 2011

Mr. Sudhir & Mr. Narayan is right. But how u can prove that the said article was opened by sendee? Ask for rules of procedure of undelivered articles from Post office.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     12 December 2011


M G Shanmughan (Retired Deputy Director of Prosecution)     15 December 2011

It is impossible to prove that the letter was read by the addresse. It may be argued that the letter was sent by using stappler pin. If you have a doubt that letter was opend,send a registered letter to the higher official of the postman stating your grivence. Thereby in future you may utilise. 

madhu mittal (director)     16 December 2011

Sir M G Shanmughan,

our letters were pasted gum, a portion of right side clearly was torn out and even postal stamps portion is  torn out. I simply want to know what to do  in future at the time when our postman get back this type of undelivered, but open regd letter back to us, so that it can be proved that he delivered us the envolp in the same position, which we want to say ie. it is opened for whatsoever may be reason or whoever may have opened it, but it is being delivered as opened letter.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 December 2011

Postman carries the cover (with or without AD) and run sheet. The recipient is expected to sign on the AD and run sheet. AD is sent back to sender and run sheet is submitted back by postman to delivery office of PO.

The recipient can put remarks on run sheet  ( and AD also) and sign, and can also ask the postman to countersign. The recipient can also ask the telephone number of his Sub/postmaster and inform immediately on phone and return the cover with his comments on run sheet and tell the Sub/postmaster that he shall visit the PO, with postman immediately and receive the cover in the presence of PO senior staff, and PO should record the evidence on run sheet with counter signature.

The recipient can lodge a written complaint to PO and obtain acknowledgment on the copy, of complaint and obtain certified copy of run sheet. The Postmaster should not hesitate to confirm since it might be the postman in other town who has colluded.





SACHIN AGARWAL (ADVOCATE)     17 December 2011

Te should b mentioned on the acknowledgment sheet and immediately therefater a complaint should be sent to S.S.Post Office.

madhu mittal (director)     18 December 2011

Thanks all of you in attending my query with special thanks to Kumar Deob sahed and sachin Agrawal saheb in particularly.

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