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Supratim Paul (E)     27 March 2013

How to live unmarried life

Hello All,


The topic I have put might sound very absurt in Indian contest. But for me life is becoming like that. 


My father passed after 2 years I have had joined job life. But good came to me after one year when I fouud my childhood friend where she and we both married. It was a love marriage. But because her mother and my step mother was opposed to the marriage slowly problem started coming and some beacsue of my mistake the marriage broke. My mother and her mother never tried to do anything which then finally led to divorce. Since I don;t have any other person the marriage could not be saved.


After , 3 years of my divorce I am suffering like hell.


a) My step mother always mentally abusing me and beacuse of which I am not even going to my native place for past 3 years. ( But I dont want any legl remedies ) 


b) Then I had stopping going to most of my friends as all ask me about her and I don;t want to tell that I am divorced as I had told my story to 3 of my close freinds and sad part was now all the 3 friends have stopped taking to me.


c) Now my step mother says I can;t find life partner for you. I don;t know what to do ? She says find youself. How will I find. I don;t belive in online marrige where you don;t have proper background of the girl and family.


d) I am slowly thinking of living a unmarried life after the first divorce. 


e) I am even scard that even if I get a girl how will be she and her mother. Laws in dangerous and favours womens only. 


Any suggestion . I am not looking for any legal remedies but looking for advice. 

 14 Replies

Manish Udar (www.Mehnat.IN)     27 March 2013

You need long interaction with your future wife. According to your budget, advertise in newspapers and make your profile in various sites. Make it clear in your advertisement that you are alone in this world, and make your requirments clear. Also it would be good to mention that you wish to correspond and talk for a reasonably long period of time before meeting. Then meet for a number of times before coming to a positive conclusion. Do not marry till you are sure that this woman will satisfy your needs and that you can satisfy her needs.

1 Like

ragz hyder (PM)     27 March 2013

Sam AWESSSSOME quote...

@Paul there is more to life than a woman...esp indian woman with all their 498 and DV and maintenance and stalking and god knows what not...

social service karo...das bachon ko shiksha do...vivekanand ya abdul kalam ya vajpayee na sahi kuch to kar sakte hain...

Believe me instead of marrying and catering to frivolous whims of jewellery house clothes purse etc use that time and money for things that matter to you and give you satisfaction and happiness and joy...and perhaps fulfillment.

Come up with a list of things/people(not your ex) that matter to you and cultivate them. 

theres freedom in Not being accountable to anyone else's needs or parasitic wants (parasitic since parasites leech on the victim...they dont produce anything on their own..or appreciate or love what they are sucking on)



Once bitten twice shy?


I don’t agree with my brothers above than Manishji.


Well, divorcee, fine.  Lot many are there in the world today.


I do understand your problem, like this you will go mad.


But don’t get scared.  List what you want from your partner, be clear, do not mind if your profile is lengthy, it will only help you market yourself better.


When you find that someone is interested, talk, and talk deep, understand and make sure you are understood, then take the leap, discuss how elaborate and disgusting is to go through a divorce and how both of you can avoid it.


Start searching now, three years is long time, you should have been on the look  out immediately after the divorce, but nevertheless, time is still there, make new friends, go out, not all are bad, there are good people too, its just matter of time that you find one, then you may ask, how to find one?  I will say, start searching now, and how, and am sure you will find one.


It is for a man and for a woman, to marry, to have children, to raise a family, and feel complete.


Don’t forget that woman was made from man’s bone, for God made her only for the reason that man should not feel lonely!



cm jain sir (ccc)     27 March 2013

Life without wife is more enjoyable becoz now a days our society is full of fraud women.

There are many people who do not want to get trapped by these fraud women so it is better to live like a king.

Enjoy all the luxury of your life with your hard earn money and do not spent this on a fraud , cheating and scroupolous lady. 

Enjoy life and serve the needy chlidren and old age people. By doing this your will do punya as well as enjoyment.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 March 2013

1. Eat healthy.
2. Pray to whom you have beliefs in.
3. Built up a career for sustenance.
4. Through present very narrow window which is still open, opt for surrogacy and produce via your own DNA a child. Give that child your name.
5. Now live – up rest of your innings for that child.

With above very limited advice work your way through.

Hence, it is the only redemption available for emancipated souls like you.

2 Like


Everybody knows that every one die on one day  So, do you stop breath now itself.

water gets from any where, but cann't compare to Ganga Pani.

As you said u r not alone responsible for breakage of ur first marriage.


Things would be better. B positive and do good.



Gopal Arora (Engineer)     27 March 2013


First of all intropect, why your friends are not talking to you? Is your behaviour OK?

You don't have to depend on your relatives to find a bride for you. Be independent. You can also find the one for you.

Think positive. Be social. Try to trust others. all the online people are not fraud.

1 Like

AV Bagur Advocate (Advocate )     27 March 2013

The mail is very specific.  You don't need any legal advise, but only advise in the social context. If this is so then you have posed your qeustion in the wrong forum.  You must pose it in social network media where you will find a wide cross section of advise.  All said and done, yes pro women laws abound in the country and in case you fall into hands of a wrong women then you can indeed have a troubled life.

Conduct proper due-diligence and don't be in a hurry to fall into hands of some scheming women.

Supratim Paul (E)     27 March 2013

Hello All,


I would first of all want to express my gratitude for the responses from each one of you. The responses from all of you reminds me of the famous movie 3 idiot which tags "All is Well".


The advices from each one of you have made me feel all is not bad in this world. It also reminds me "Life is all about ups and downs, struggle etc". The fact is that I has never seen so low in my personal life which made me little depressed.


The best part I liked , whether you get married or not but important thing is to try be happy and me pessimistic. Through I have got answers for most of the questions I has put up. But I would like to get your advice on one thing


a) How to do backgroud check of online profiles and their familes ? Just not take by face values of their wordings and spoken conversation ? Background check helps in verifying things about her and her family. 



Originally posted by : AV Bagur

The mail is very specific.  You don't need any legal advise, but only advise in the social context. If this is so then you have posed your qeustion in the wrong forum.  You must pose it in social network media where you will find a wide cross section of advise.  All said and done, yes pro women laws abound in the country and in case you fall into hands of a wrong women then you can indeed have a troubled life.

Conduct proper due-diligence and don't be in a hurry to fall into hands of some scheming women.

True to some extent, but if you could write this much as above, couldnt you write something more beneficial?

As always its about the fees right?

Originally posted by : Supratim Paul

Hello All,


I would first of all want to express my gratitude for the responses from each one of you. The responses from all of you reminds me of the famous movie 3 idiot which tags "All is Well".


The advices from each one of you have made me feel all is not bad in this world. It also reminds me "Life is all about ups and downs, struggle etc". The fact is that I has never seen so low in my personal life which made me little depressed.


The best part I liked , whether you get married or not but important thing is to try be happy and me pessimistic. Through I have got answers for most of the questions I has put up. But I would like to get your advice on one thing


a) How to do backgroud check of online profiles and their familes ? Just not take by face values of their wordings and spoken conversation ? Background check helps in verifying things about her and her family. 





Dont take the words of the  AV bagur above, though this is a legal forum,  trust me, many a people are there to help you out to gain confidence.  Lawyers are not just about money.


Supratim Paul (E)     28 March 2013



Hello All,


I would first of all want to express my gratitude for the responses from each one of you. The responses from all of you reminds me of the famous movie 3 idiot which tags "All is Well".


The advices from each one of you have made me feel all is not bad in this world. It also reminds me "Life is all about ups and downs, struggle etc". The fact is that I has never seen so low in my personal life which made me little depressed.


The best part I liked , whether you get married or not but important thing is to try be happy and me pessimistic. Through I have got answers for most of the questions I has put up. But I would like to get your advice on one thing


a) How to do backgroud check of online profiles and their familes ? Just not take by face values of their wordings and spoken conversation ? Background check helps in verifying things about her and her family. 


Note: I am not bothered about what an individual have wrote. Each one can have diffrent vews we must respect that. Hope to get response for the question (a) ?

Supratim Paul (E)     30 March 2013

UP ... HOpe you see advices from all.


I felt so very bad after reading your query. But then arent we all alone in this world? Point is you can gauge upto a certain extent about what a woman is before getting into a relation with her, but there is in all of us a demon deep down inside, which need to be controlled by perseverance, love, affection which most of us forget and end up doing something we never wanted to do.

So this time around, make her understand this.  Dont go for a fresh one.  Go for a divorcee, who has undergone as much as you facing cases, roaming to court halls.

Having said that, go with a positive attitude that you wont fall again in marital life and that you as our older generation will lead a happy marital life.

Try taking the other person into confidence [emotionally, as these days what is lacking in marriages is emotion, selfishness has replaced emotions], then all will fall in line/place.


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