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Share More   06 February 2019

how to pay in case of mutual divorce petition

what is the best way to pay first installment of settled amount in case of mutual divorce 13- b case. can other party cheat and refuse to consent for divorce after taking first installment. what option is left with husband after getting cheated from wife

 9 Replies

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     06 February 2019

`If the divorce is already reached you must reduce that is writting and to be signed by each party along with witnesses. If you want to forward the amount pay by Payees Cheque  against a detailed written receipt.

Shashi Dhara   06 February 2019

U deposit it in court.the court will order to release after she file application to release   06 February 2019

does court keep this amount till final decree .

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     06 February 2019

The court can release against a bond in case of failuer the amount shall be refunded. Even the court can keep the amount till final disposal of case.Don worry your amount always safer with court   06 February 2019

ok ji thanks for guidance

Suhail suhail (LAWYER)     06 February 2019

You are welcome   06 February 2019

if the orther party insist for NEFT then it should be strictly refused or is there still any protective measure which can be followed while doing NEFT.

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     06 February 2019

Pay first installment by bank draft drawn in her name is given in the court at the time of first motion in divorce by mutual consent proceedings, advocates handling divorce cases are well aware of this process. Second installment can be given by bank draft at the time of second motion. Photo Copy of the bank draft are taken in the case file and duly noted in the court order that payment of first as well second installment received by the wife. All this will protect the payment as well her acknowledgment of receipt of the payment of Alimony amount to her.

Martin S.   06 February 2019

Originally posted by :
what is the best way to pay first installment of settled amount in case of mutual divorce 13- b case. can other party cheat and refuse to consent for divorce after taking first installment. what option is left with husband after getting cheated from wife

By cheque which is post dated or by way of cash.

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