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Rishi kumar   06 January 2018

How to present audio and video evidence?

We have successfully completed the cross examination and  have elicited whatever information we were expecting. Thanks everybody. 

The judge said both me and the OP , we can produce evidences on the next date if we wish so. I have a video of the ruckus she and her thug family are creating after assaulting us in our house. Also we have  two mobile records of 50 minutes (each one ) duration of the conversation wife was having with our close relative after she received the divorce notice. How do I present the important parts of the CD as no court or judge will have time to go thro the 100 minutes of conversation. Kindly advise.


 1 Replies

Rishi kumar   07 January 2018

Sir yes, I was thinking so. But I still wonder whether the courts will have time or should I get it certified thro some agency? That's is my doubt. Thanks for the reply sir.

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