Thanks Sanyam for your reply.
We are staying separately since nov.2011.
The problem between us is that she doesnot even try to understand me. Agreed that mistakes happen !
Quarrels happen. But not a single time she has agreed to tha fact that she too is guilty for this.Every time she points out towards me and somehow convince her family that I am responsible for all the happenings.
I have tried to discuss with her family also but they too are on her side which is obvious !
Since marriage I have gone through a very dire stage. Our marriage is 2 years old now and of these days only 6 months we have stayed together.And in this 6 months she has not behaved properly.
Every day she comes up with some thing and fights with me. I am very very tensed and really comfused as what to do further !!!
If I opt for divorce I am worried as will I have a disadvantage of that ?
Please help me out of this. I own a flat and if I have to proceed with divorce I dont want to loose it as I have brought with my hard earned money of which a big amount og loan is pending !
You know how hard and difficult it is to get a house in mumbai.
I dont want to give a girl anything from that who have never cared for me.