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satnam singh (job less)     22 August 2010

how to stand in attack mode against 498a against wife.

dear all,

after getting bail in 498a, 406  . which kind of cases husband can use to teach the lessons to  gready in-laws and wife. i have following documents:

1) section 9 case was running for one year in which mentioned ( reality not false) that she left with her all jewallary and other bagages along with child. and ask for arrange diffrent residence and threats give for criminal non bialable cases.

2) I have affidavite signed and photo taken in executive megistrate office and signed and stamped by same.  in this affidavite she declair following: ( but she don't know about this document).

 a) In my marriage my father give goods( list of goods) along with jewallary which cost is around 2 lac rupee.

b) my in-laws have their own source of income and they never demand any movable /immovable asset/goods from me and my parents yet.

c) i am completly happy with my in-laws and if i go anywhere without knowledge of my husband  i will be responsible for all happnings.

3)after withdraw sec 9 HMA i filed divorce case (my advocate said i will get decree in  ex-party manner) but summons reached to my wife. so my advocate decided to stop case by saying this " that she came back to live with husband". 

4) one application given to DIG in which  everything was explaned but due to panchyat members we stop that.

5) my father have put case on me and my wife for permanent dispossession ( that is running this time)in which my fahter have mensioned that we are living seprately from son and daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law give threats to us and my son to put false dowary case and other if we did't give them property. 

police have recover goods of girl but they are now asking for gold jewallary.

can above case save me and my parents from 498a, 406, 120b.


and which case we can put on girl side. to answer their false cases.


 8 Replies


meet an expert honest lawyer in person. if in a big city join SIFF and attend meetings regularly, u will get tons of knowlege from tortured hubbys. also go thru and u will get all armamentarium to saVE URSELF TO BEST AND HOW TO ATTACK BACK TOO LEGALLY..


If the chargesheet of your 498A case has been filed then immediately file DP3 in your local PS. They should be booked for giving the dowry. File TEP (Tax Evasions Petition) against your FIL and MIL (if working). These two are enough to start with.

1 Like

satnam singh (job less)     23 August 2010

dear sir

I am common man please simplyfy the language what is DP3, FIL, MIL    & how to do so..    

thanking you lot

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     23 August 2010

very good suggestion by mr cool.


dear sir

I am common man please simplyfy the language what is DP3, FIL, MIL    & how to do so.. thanking you lot


@ Satnam,

We are aware you are a common man based on reading all your past messages in LCI forum.

May I suggest you to take time and read Criminal Law / Family Law / Constitution Law / Experts section of past just 2 months posted at LCI regularly to gain some what basic understanding of Law and its procedures then come back and ask the same question - you will see a change yourself !

This is better way to start your self help which will benefit you and not us.


join siff


Read Dowry Prohibition Act -3 - It can be filed on the dowry givers that is your Father in Law (FIL) and mother in law (MIL).


DO you go to the SIF meetings in your city? Which city are you from?


Thanks Arup Sir.

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