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Mohsin kamal   27 August 2018

How to transfer parents property without consent of my one brothers

dear sir, my father bought a land 2 year before and he passes away due to paralysis and after a month my mother passes away .and now we are 9 brother and we want to take loan from bank inorder to build it but bank said loan can be possible if the land has one owner .we all 8 brother ready to transfer the property but one of my brother is not ready to transfer .he feel insecure to.thank you distribute sir give us tremendous idea to transfer the land property to one without the consent of other brother


 6 Replies

satish c verma (ACCONTS OFFICER)     27 August 2018

consent of all heirs is mandatory, can't ignore/left one claimant.

satish c verma (ACCONTS OFFICER)     27 August 2018

consent of all heirs is mandatory, can't ignore/left one claimant.

Mohsin kamal   27 August 2018

sir then any other way to it

HIRAL THAKKAR (ADVOCATE )     27 August 2018

File a letter of administration petition in the court, notice will be served and suit will then be heard.



1 Like

Mohsin kamal   27 August 2018

How to file letter of petition and n court and can it solve the problems.

Aks   27 August 2018

Each of you 9 siblings have equal rights to your father's land because there is no will in this case.  The one brother who doesnot agree to building on the land has the legal right to refuse construction.

Your best approach is to sit down with him and ask him what his fears are.  Try to make him agreeable by removing his concerns and fears.  May be he wants some extra money, may be he is afraid that you might not give his his share. So, find our what his fear is and try to resolve it with him amicably.

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