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shanthiveer (student)     14 November 2013

How to transfer property from later father to son

14 days back my father was deceased.we stay in our own house and that house in the name of my father

Now my son have to take loan on this property for studying abroad.

my mother expired when i was child and he  is having 2 sisters...they have no objection of this house .

so for getting legal heir it takes long time..

we have only 15 days time to take loan..

i heard that instead of  getting registration  there is another way to get transfered of property....but i dont know what exactly  it is...please suggest me..thanking you

 4 Replies

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     14 November 2013

In your case you have to approach court for heirship certificate and it will take time.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     14 November 2013

Survivors certificate is mandatory.  You cannot do anything without this.

Mihir..... (Wealth Manager)     15 November 2013

Transfer of name in immovable property takes time. You may submit the Will or obtain succession certificate/letter of administration from the court.

shanthiveer (student)     19 November 2013

Thank you Sir....I heard that in municipal office by showing death certificates and some proofs of identification of mine.. There is a chance of getting name changed in property..., I mean they will give a certificate and with that certificate the property can be transferred to my name .. In registration office..!???

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