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Sanatana Bhuyan (Sr Executive)     04 June 2014

Human right against boycott by villagers

Hi Respected Sir, 

We need your valuable suggestion regarding our social dispute.

There is a family dispute between two family and case it so worsen that one party raises it to Village meeting which we do not want that the uneducated drunken members will take decision. In our absence in meeting the Village committee decided to boycott our family from all villagers, No one will talk to us, No one will crop in our field, No one will invite any family functions, Certain case we are also restricted to use water facility. I am belongs to a General Caste from our village.

I have a query, Is there any Rules in Human Right which regulate the Village Committee. On which basics I fill a complaint against committee members they can't have right to take such decision.

We just want, If the case is not compromise by two families then they have to file a case and go to court , Why use of such committee. 

Can some one please provide any guidelines in this case, and also any Information regarding "Khandayat Kalanji Samaja" in orissa linked to Human Rights.

Your suggestion will really going to help me. Thanks In advance.


 5 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     04 June 2014

Panchayat is a public body.  seek copy of said resolution under RTI.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     04 June 2014

Yes you can obtain information through RTI because it is a public body and if at all there was any resolution they are bound to provide.

Sanatana Bhuyan (Sr Executive)     14 June 2014

Thank you for valuable suggestion.

As you said Panchayat is a public body, Can you please Guide me, where I have to apply the RTI form.

Also there are some caste unions having registration no, How can I know, what are the rolls and responsibility to the society and how they are controlled.

Sanatana Bhuyan (Sr Executive)     14 June 2014

Here is a Image of the Society Meeting, For you reference, Please guide me to get the information.

Attached File : 322139404 nikhila utkala khandayata.png downloaded: 85 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     15 June 2014

not understood banner in regional language.

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