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venkygr8   31 December 2019

Husband divorce filed ,wife filed rcr as counter claim

Respected Gurus,

This is a stragne situation for my brother , who filed divorce OP in family Court Secundrabad u/S 13 1 (a) on 23.01.2015 , summons issued to the Respondent/wife om 15.02.2015 , without participating in the divorce proceedings , without failing WS in the divorce OP , she filed a OP for restitution of conjugal rights .

My Concern here :

1) is it permissible without filing WS in OP filing another OP and make a separate claim 

2) Court can treat the OP filed by Respondent/wife as a counter claim or a separate OP.


Please clarify .

Thanl you .


 6 Replies

Shashi Dhara   31 December 2019

File objections with sufficient reasons or application to club both.

Shashi Dhara   31 December 2019

File objections with sufficient reasons.

K Rajasekharan (Advocate)     01 January 2020

Yes, the filing of another OP as stated above is a counter move for a counter claim of no divorce at all.

K Rajasekharan (Advocate)     01 January 2020

Yes, it is an independent OP, permissible by law. But the filing of another OP as stated above is a counter move for a counter claim of no divorce at all.

venkygr8   02 January 2020

Respected Rajsekharan Sir , 


appreciate your reply , recently she/Respondent  obtained ex-parte decree in RCR and then 15 days back filed counter in divorce OP . Moreover in RCR she stated that she recieved summons for the divorce OP .

therefore my contention here is : She has to file teh written statement and specify her contetion for the counter claim i.e RCR , but here , without filing WS , simply obtained the exparte decree in RCR , then filing the counter/WS in teh divorce OP , this is totally contrary to Order 8 CPC , placing here under .

Counter claim [Order VIII, Rules 6-A to 6-G]

“Counterclaim” may be defined as “a claim made by the defendant in a against the plaintiff”. It is a claim independent of, and separable from, suit plaintiff’s claim which can be enforced by a cross-action. It is a cause of action in favour of the defendant against the plaintiff.

In addition to pleading a set-off in a suit, the defendant may also set-up a counter-claim. The term “counter-claim” means a claim raised by the defendant against the claim of plaintiff in a suit. It is essentially and substantially a cross-action of the defendant. It may be described as a cause of action accruing to defendant against the plaintiff. However, such cause of action must accrue before filing of written statement by the defendant. As such, the defendant may set-up a counter-claim only in respect of a claim for which the defendant can file an independent suit. However, the defendant must specifically state in his written statement that he is setting-up a counter-claim.


as per my understannding , the entire proceedings of RCR is illegal.

K Rajasekharan (Advocate)     02 January 2020

Sir, Sorry to say that I used the term "counter claim" in a figurative manner and not as a legal term. But you are considering it as a legal term. Do the rules of counter claim does not apply here as if in a money suit. In family matters each one is a separate OP, unconnected from each other, though the dispute stems from the same source. So the other party has every right to use the strategies and procedural loopholes to get a desired decree, even against substantive justice. So it seems that you must treat each petition independent of the other and an individual one while approaching the issue.

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