I am a married woman living abroad with my husband. We are married for more than 10 yrs. My husband's family consists of FIL,MIL ,BIL and his wife and daughter and SIL and her hubby and 2 kids. They all live in the same city in India. My BIL lives with In Laws. Our marriage has been rocky with near divorce situations more than 2-3 times.All my in laws are culprits in this. Anyway long story short , my FIL passed away about 3 yrs ago. He didnt leave a will. He has 2 houses and a shopping complex and a farm and many FDs. When we went to FIL's ceremony my husband's brother and SIL ,MIL insisted my husband sign a POA to handle all legal matters.Things escalated when we went last yr to visit my sick MIL.They convinced my husband to sign all his legal rights over to MIL.He did it.My MIL was more concerned with giving my SIL a house rather than dividing any share at all.We had to spend 12-14,000$ on tickets alone. All they did was get my husband's signature and brush him off like dust.
Let me also give a little background to my question.Although we are abroad my In laws my FIL and SIL were hell bent to seeing my husband come back to India to be there with them. So that my FIL and SIL can advice him on his life and have a run over it along with money. In b/n these 10 yrs there has been more than 4-5 yrs where my husband didnt have a job and we were penniless thanks to their meddling.It only made us poorer and poorer.
I am from a well off family . My husband's brother 's wife is from a very poor family and my SIL being daughter of the house will get away with major share.(Can tell this becoz I know how my MIL ,SIL and BIL think.)Now we are in dire need as we depleted all our savings for trips to India and associated expenses. Can I do something in this situation.