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nilesh madane   20 March 2018

I 2nd buyer of Ansestral property

Mr. Popat sold his 62.50 sqm (out of 125 sqm) Ansestral property to one of his son Mr. David in Feb 2015 and I have purchased it from David in Jul 2017. My name is also recorded to Land record office. We heard that Mr. Popat has also made registered Will on the name of his 6 married daughter's for the same property, but I have not seen that Will.
Now, David's sister's want back this 62.50 sqm land and also threatening me for that. Please guide me, I am safe or not.
Ownership details:
Rupaji-Owner till 1975-Gr-father of D
Popat-owner till 2015-Father of D
David-owner till Jul 2017 & sold me
Nilesh-present owner (myself)
Kindly use simple English wording to understand easily.

 6 Replies

sparrow (Apprentice)     20 March 2018

There are many variables in your situation: 1) mere making will has no effect the person making will must be dead in order to execute the will 2) now if property was sold by mr popat to his son certainly he was alive than and therefore will has no effect 3) still if ur no sure whether david really purchased the property from mr popat or he showed u fake sale deed u remain assured of your title if u have acted in good faith and paid necessary sale price (see sec 43 of transfer of property act) 4) u r safe if your purchase transaction is genuine + u will have to prove (if they file a suit) that u had no information of will /or u in good faith knew david was owner of that property and had full power to sell it to u.

nilesh madane   20 March 2018

1) Mr. Popat sold that 62.50 sqm ancestral property to Mr. David, there no doubt about it because myself and Mr. Popat's younger son signed as known person on sale deed.
2) Mr. Popat dead in Dec 2016
3) Now, 6 sister's of Mr. Popat saying that Mr. Popat have did Will, but I have not seen.

nilesh madane   20 March 2018

Mr. Popat sold that 62.50 sqm ancestral property (out of 125 sqm) to one of his son Mr. David in Feb 2015, myself and Mr. Popat's younger son signed as known person on that sale deed and I have purchased same property from Mr. David in Jul 2017. My name is also recorded to Land record office. Mr. Popat is passed away in Dec 2016, now we heard that Mr. Popat made registered Will on the name of his 6 married daughter's for the same property, but I have not seen that Will. Now, David's sister's want back this 62.50 sqm land and also threatening me for that. Ownership details: Rupaji-Owner till 1975-Gr-father of D Popat-owner till 2015-Father of D David-owner till Jul 2017 & sold me Nilesh-present owner (myself) Please guide me, I am safe or not.

nilesh madane   20 March 2018

Late Mr. Popat Rupaji Shinde was a Indian Christian. Property is ancestral because his father Rupaji Keshav Shinde gave application to Magistrate for transferring said property on Popat name, therefore it is ancestral property.

nilesh madane   20 March 2018

Late Mr. Popat Rupaji Shinde was a Indian Christian. Property is ancestral because his father Rupaji Keshav Shinde gave application to Magistrate for transferring said property on Popat name in 1975 therefore it is ancestral property.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 March 2018

You may preferably show all property related docs, said court order, mutation records with all link a very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakabale repute and integrity specializing in civil matters and having successful track record.. and worth his/her salt for a conisderd opinion and advise....

Let the said WILL see light of the day...

Keep possession of property  and don't leave  it as vacant ....

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