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Sameer (QCA)     22 August 2011

I am mentally depressed

Hello Sir/ Madam,

I am Sameer Jadhav, Residing in MUMBAI. I am Christian-Protestant by Birth. On Nov 2007 I got arranged marriage to Christian Girl from the Church. She was Nurse in one of the rennowned hospital in MUMBAI.  We went to honeymoon in Banglore-Ooty-Mysore for 10-15 days. Just after one month of marriage. I found that my wife's behaviour is not good with me and my family. Her Language was very abusive with Bad words. Not only with me but with all the family members . Her behaviour felt to me very kinky and childish. Many a times I opposed her and tried  to explain her the ethics of the family. but she took it in a wrong sense. As my family traditions and rituals were different than her. but she is too always oppose my rituals and follow hers. So that produced quarrel in families. On giving complaint to her family. They came to our resident and bombarded with Bad words. We care for Pride and status in the society. We were talkless at that time. We made them realize thier daughters mistake  and her Father scoulded her and went away. We all thought that she is fine and understood properly. After two months she was pregnant and I was not the first person to know the good news of becoming a father.

In 2009 Her parents came to my house to meet me & there the gave proposal to me stating "Let your wife go for further studies" BSC nursing in her native place. I said I dont want to send her anywhere for studies as child is small and she needs both Mother and Fathers care. They asked me again think and than say after two days. After two days her Father called me regarding the same matter I said no again. Her Father replied " SEE NOW WHAT I WILL DO". In june 2009 She went to her Fathers house and from there she took admission for BSC nursing without informing me and my family. Till date she is not present in my house. I told her I cant stay with you now. As you have taken a big decission in your life wihtout informing me. But she says I want to stay with you. I want divorce from her. I know that love is not there in my heart for her. Please guide me. I am very tensed and depressed,I dont  want this female. who did not care for her husband and his words.

Sameer Jadhav


 4 Replies

Democratic Indian (n/a)     22 August 2011

Problems arise when we try to "control" others behaviour and failure to control others behaviour can many times lead to depression, anger etc. Try to reconcilliate and settle the matter amicably after keeping your personal egos aside. Such things should not become reason for seperation or divorce.
1 Like


Never in your life utter the sentence that "I am mentally depressed" is bullsh* is always..a yes..or any case....and nothing else...make choice and move forward...

abhishek (1)     23 September 2011

" Try to reconcilliate and settle the matter amicably after keeping your personal egos aside."

how can one think of such a solution in such a situation

Aadmi koi gali ka kutta thori hai - jo jab chahe laat mar di, jab chahe puchkar liya

aur llat kha ke bhi ku-ku kare lekin bhokna nahin hai

i should say we have lost our ethics - only GOD can help in such a situation

This KALYUG is really complicated

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     23 September 2011

When you both don't want to stay with each other, why not sit across table and finish it off.




Shonee Kapoor com

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