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Bineesh (BA)     21 March 2013

I am on the neck of suicide, please help me


I am a Hindu boy very soft, helping nature and sensitive, (34) married (registered on 1st Oct 2009 under special marriage act) to a Muslim 3 years back due to this we never had support from my in laws as they were against our marriage and also not financially strong, but still I used to help them financially, we had only support from my parents and relatives my parents and also they have gifted her all type of gold ornaments, I have taken insurance in her name and son name, and I have taken medical insurance in her name and son name, and also I was saving RD in my sons name for the future education.  We have a baby boy of 2 years, as the baby was born in 7 ½ month at that time  both wife and son were hospitalized for 3 weeks, though her parents knew they dint even visited or helped, as there were no one to take care she was staying in my house my mom, dad, brothers and relatives were taking care of my wife and son and I used to be there on every weekends, on Jan 6th 2013 she simply started an issue and fought with me and went back to her home along with our baby by giving a statement to the police station "that she don’t want to live with me", (She removed all her jewels and gave it to me but she carried all her dress and my sons dress to her home),  and when I called her she is asking me to convert to Muslim, so that she will come back. i can’t live without my wife and son,    is there any way that I could get my wife and son back. I am ready to take a separate house so that she can follow her religion and I will follow mine, but still she is telling that her parents will not send her with me unless I am converted to Muslim. I want both of them in my life I love her so much. Kindly advice what I could do.  


Its nearly 3 months now, I want to see my son and wife but I don’t know the address where is she staying. Kindly help me.



She knows that I love her so much and I can’t live without her and I would do anything for her. I think she is taking advantage of this; yes I am ready to do anything for her except covert to Muslim.


She is calling me daily on phone and forcing me to to convert to islam. i dont want to convert to islam. i dont want divorce, i want to live with her.


To send RCR i dont have her address as they dont have a own house and every 6 month they change their house, if i ask her about address sehe is not telling the current address also.


They are very financialy very bad, and i am worried about my son and his future, i doubt wheather my son is getting protien food in time. she dont have job, and her dad has very less income.


Her parents are also telling the same story to convert to islam. i am on the neck of suicide, i cant live without my wife and son.


Please help me Please help me Please help me Please help me Please help me Please help me. 


 9 Replies

Manish Udar (www.Mehnat.IN)     21 March 2013

Seek immediate psychiatric help. If you are in Delhi, go to VIMHANS.

abdul (MD)     21 March 2013

Dont be stupid, Suicide is a permanant solution for a temporary problem!


the more you show your desperation, the more they will make you bent, relax!!!


i was in your situation few months ago, try not calling for few days and let her call you.. i know it is hard but be patient and when she calls, cooly tell " ok if you decided to go, then i will also move on" see her reaction and then act.




If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they are yours forever. If they don’t, then they were never meant to be.


One life.  Make the best out of it.  No turning back on things.  Be a man.


One life.  Make the best out of it.  No turning back on things.  Be a man.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 March 2013

1. Don’t waste more time. Use brains not heart now.
2. Hire via reference advocate and instruct him to file HCP against FIL / MIL / her siblings.
3. HC will direct police to produce her + son and will hand them over to you.
4. Also before Hon'ble bench at HC verbally pray for ‘protection order’ against In – Laws.

Show to her / In Laws you mean business and wants family not tension in life and do not give them another tension of identifying a suicide persons dead body in a morgue which ultimately will not solve YOUR present problem but you will leave behind a widow and a fatherless child whom you will see from up above for nothing / no use and then cannot even give your child protein.

2 Like



what is HCP?

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     30 June 2013

Habeas corpus petition.

santosh mahdeley   13 February 2016

i filed section 9 after 10 month  that she lodge 498a and 406. now she is not coming for section 9. 

now she lodge hma 24 in section 9 application.

1. my lawyer says that dont come in hma 24 date, so in my non appreance  my  section 9 will be dismiss. and can be restore after 15 to 20 days.( if i dont go for hma 24, so judge can passed  a interim against me??? to compel my wife ke woh section 9 main kuch to jaawab to de.


senior plzz help 


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