Dear Sir,
I've Signed as Witness No:1 in the open plot sale deep papers while registration which happened 15 years back.
At the time of registration me (I signed as witness from purchaser side) and purchaser took EC and made searching to make sure that person and plot is genuine.
1. GPA holder of the land registered the same plot for two Parties to party1 initially (Without plot papers)
2. GPA holder Again sold the same plot to party2 with fake guy with the same name as Party1
(Here registered guy is not genuine and handed over the first link documents of the plot to party2)
3. Party2 sold the same plot to party3 (Where i acted as witness while registration)
Genuine plot owner party1 failed case against Party2 and Party3 and all witness involved in this transactions
Now the problem is I signed as witness while Party3 is purchasing the plot from Party2 and now party3 blaming me that i am the responsible for the fraud happen and demanding the money.
My Question is
1. How far the witness is responsible in this case.
2. Can I prosecuted before law?
3. Can police arrest me?
I am in a Confusion i don’t know what to do please help Me..