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Sonipat Boy   05 September 2017

I fought & won dv act

Friends, I have fought and won Domestic Violence Act also known as PWDVA 2006.


It was difficult initially as there was lot of mental pressure but with little help I was able to file arrest warrant against the wife which resulted in case closing.

 18 Replies

Nikhil   05 September 2017



       can pls give some more details as it will help me to fight my case. my wife had filled DVC against me

SUNIL KUMAR (apprentice)     05 September 2017

It will be highly appreciated if you share the complete information and merits of your case

Sonipat Boy   05 September 2017

i prepared a write up with lot of counter attacks

Rishi kumar   05 September 2017

Hearty congrats, Sonipat Boy. Now that you have fought and won Dv case why don't you share more details about your case in this forum that it would benefit almost all members who are fighting cases like you. All the members would highly appreciate if you can share what ever can be shared in this public platform instead of simply informing that you won the DV case. Each one of the beleaguered soul  will find the confidence to fight these liars.

Mahesh   06 September 2017

Congratulations..It would be really helpful to many men if u could share your case details and ur approach to deal this case

Sonipat Boy   06 September 2017

I went into depression when my lady love whom I adored filed false private complaint under doemstic violence act against my entire family. I searched internet and came across blogs especially from vinayak and aturchatur and the like. I kept increasing my knowledge and filed perjury, technically challenged the maiden name based DV Act complaint, also filed misrepresentation, order vii rule 11, as-26 related complaint, income tax complaint, high court perjury complaint and especially no domestic violence complaint against this lady love. she missed few dates of dv. then when she came to attend she stood outside the gate and planned to not enter the court and when i filed technical complaint her lawyer or some other known person sitting inside the court did her a ishara to come inside. she came inside with her feet trembling and the MM scolded her. her lawyer was not present but her lawyer's wife was present and I orally asked the judge to cancel her complaint under sec350 as she is not interested in pursuing the case any further and the judge told me that if she has not come then at least her lawyer has come. I replioed to the judge that a proxy lawyer is a term which is neither there in the advocates act nor there in the supreme court act so this means that this lawyer's wife is not recognized under the law as an AOR (advocate on reord) is not authorized to send someone on his behalf. my wife came inside but before that the so called proxy lawyer was scolded by the judge. my wife entered only after i filed technical dismissal complaint and perjury even though judge mildly scolded me for other representations and threatened me to dismiss my other letters but i was undetered as my all applications were valid but i kept silent till my wife entered inside courtroom to protect her false dv. it was a funny scenario as i saw my wife and that proxy sweating before the judge. that was the YUDH KA AAGHAZ. that was a good start and thereafter there was no looking back until i filed arrest warrant against my beloved.

mohit (others)     07 September 2017

Congratulations..It would be really helpful to many men if u could share your case details or judgments and ur approach to deal this case


sai narayana   08 September 2017

I am envious of you :-) 

fighter   09 September 2017

Congratulations, This will inspire lot of people.

Sonipat Boy   09 September 2017

as asked by you people.......



To file a reply vis-a-vis WRITTEN STATEMENT which I got prepared from a Delhi based men help agency and within that there were many counters. I suggested those guys that I do NOT want to leave my wife freely in the arms of his bf or paramours and that I want to file all possible counters. Starting from Perjury 340 r/w 195(b)(i) to various counters as above many things were got prepared by them and they guided me to go all alone before the judge and explained me the benefits of going alone before a DV judge. They also guided me about 350 ipc and order ix rule 8. i used order ix rule 8 in 13(1)(i-a) family court case of divorce based on cruelty filed by my wife. these 350 ip & order ix rule 8 was really helpful in putting pressure on delay tactics played by wife's side.


PERJURY was constatly avoided due to which I was suggested to filed arrest warrant against the wife and that was a game changer as the DV cases ended after that. but the other fight was v.important because if there were no other counter attacks then perjury and arrest warrant would have no such deep impact.


I also used 420 ipc for name fraud or misrepresentation through which my wife asked maintenance from me. I got prepared from these delhi based guys (named MAN HELP DELHI or atur chatur) maintenance breaking counter as they claim to be maintenance experts however when they prepared 420 ipc and included this along with the written statement I was thralled & thrilled simultaneously but I was sceptical also whether 420 ipc can be filed on wife or not and also if that will give my wife a point to file criminal defamation case against me but they guided me the pros & cons and why it won't be a blank counter and why it is a genuine fraud on court using 420 ipc related to property 420 crime in delhi sub-registrar office committed by my wife.

other counters that i filed were related to misrepresentation which were good for putting pressure on opp party and several other counters alongwith ws and later on within the dates i pressed my conuters.and filed new counters based on newer developments

Rajdeep Majumder (Junior Lawyer)     10 September 2017

kindly enclose the certified copy of the order sheet for our perusal.

sai narayana   10 September 2017

Rajdeep brother, Why certified copy, are you going to review the order? :-)

Rajdeep Majumder (Junior Lawyer)     10 September 2017

no brother, just wanted to peruse not review.

Sonipat Boy   13 September 2017


I am currently working on closing 498a due to contempt by police. After that I may assit you in becoming a senior lawyer from a junior lawyer by sending you a lot of order sheets & may be certified copies also of genuine fighters and winners. so cheers!!! .


PM me if any genuine victim wants to get any reference type help. in the meantime, I am getting my crpc 313 prepared read with relevant provisions of IPC and crpc to close the false 498a IPC and I shall post much more files for the help of victim husbands of false domestic violence complaints by wife once 498a counters are got prepared by the experts which I may file party in person beore METROPOLITAN MAGISTARTE who is trying mahila court fast track cases like Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005.

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