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spoorthi mahesh (testing engineer)     18 February 2013

I have been demanded a dowry of 10lakhs


Lately, my parents decided to get me married to a boy of their choice which means my arrange marriage was initiated.

Initially, the boy's parents demanded nothing from my side.

Eventually they started demanding 10lakhs from my parents.

I have an email proof where I have clearly stated the rejection from my side giving the boy the actual reason for my rejection. In reply, the guy has just said, carry on and he will not mind, which means if you cannot pay the dowry i will target the  next girl.

Can I file a case against the parents for demanding "dowry". If yes, please advise me what will be my next step?

P.S: I have an email proof




 16 Replies


Did you give a thought? what if he delete's his free email account?

dv (ghvhb)     19 February 2013

Hare krishna A brotherly suggestion A. If you know this is a pit why do you want to jump knowingly in it. B. Maybe you are right and they must be taught a lesson Technically Why did you choose email over telephone call, or face to face talk. WAS it intentionally done to have proof. STALKER has a point as well. You may complain against the boy, but let's say he agrees to. Marry you it would sound like more of a legally forced marriage. I mean no offence to you or anyone else but what I suggested is some points which come to mind. GOD BLESS YOU. Hare Krishna.

stanley (Freedom)     19 February 2013

@ author 

After going through your post i have noticed one thing you had sent a email initally stating the rejection from your side can you put up the actual contents of your email over here along with the footers and headers and the I.P address and also along with his reply and the contents headers , footers and his I.P address . Now tell me you have put your designation as a software Engineer . I wish to test your skills . How would you prove that the email was sent by him . 

Next do both of youll reside in the same city . If residing between two different cities in which police station would you file your case does it have the jursidiction to take up your case . What would be the jurisdiction of the courts to accept your case if you reside in two different cities .

One thing i dont understand when the dispute was between you over email  why do you want to drag his parents into it . Filing a 498a case is very easy and when it comes to evidence stage you will be in a big soup . Litigation is not so easy it would take 5-7 yrs for a case to come to a judgement . 

Now do you want to dance to the tune of the courts going up and down spending the whole day at a court for the rest 5-7 yrs of your life  or do you want to marry and lead a peace full life .

Msk-need -nuetral- laws (self)     19 February 2013

@ Author,

better leave that guy and look for someone who loves relation and loves hardwork to earn his desired money. Fighting this type of people will only take time and money, wastage of productive energy.

fighting back (exec)     19 February 2013

dear spoorty,


it is indeed laughable matter, i mean people will literally laugh at you for your thoughts, shaadi hui nahi aaur uske pahele hi itna bada bakheda karneki tayaari???

I am damn sure, if any of your prospective would be husband stumbles upon such thoughts of yours ( to try and implicate a person without even having solid evidence ) no one will even approach you for marriage leave alone meeting you....

think over it, courts are not that easy that you think of:

your neighbours will shun you,

there will be gossip behind your back about your so called action

you will be literrally be ' blacklisted ' from your own society.

people will think ten times even before bringing you a marriage proposal


and by the way, that poor boy such told you to "carry on" did he specifically mention that " since you have declined to give you dowry,: thats the reason he has said :carry on:??

stop such stupid thoughts that are going in your mind, you are just planning to legal extrort money from someone who has not even married you. because of  girls like you, marriage has become a dreaded thing today

Ranee....... (NA)     19 February 2013


Discuss the matter with an advocate and do accordingly.If they really asked for dowry then then they really deserve punishmentHats off to you that you have the guts to protest and reject the marriage before it is held instead spoiling your life with such greedy people..

Before filing any cases check yourself whether you are really genuine unlike Nisha Sharma.

All the best .

stanley (Freedom)     19 February 2013

Originally posted by : Ranee.......


Discuss the matter with an advocate and do accordingly.If they really asked for dowry then then they really deserve punishmentHats off to you that you have the guts to protest and reject the marriage before it is held instead spoiling your life with such greedy people..

Marriage is already rejected . I presume @ ranee will assist you in your ups and down to the court for the next 5-7 yrs :-) as and when you file the case . Going to court is like you are going  for a picnic your name for the case might be called maybe by evening say 5.00 p.m and than you have to wait till than :-)  In the meanwhile you will see criminals being handcuffed and brought to court from jail in order to get their bails .Full sight seeing of the bad and ugly with no good to be seen like we see in movies . And say for instance you get married in a year or so and produce a kid than you would have to tag along your kid too as you cant leave the baby alone and than the baby would cry wahi wahi feeling hungury and you would say oh my god such a huge crowd inside the premisis now where can i breast feed the child ?? if you are not used to travelling alone your husband would have to be tagged along else your husband would have to arrange for  a stefani/spare tyre  to take you every where :-) . Hence think from your head and not from your heart :-)

Before filing any cases check yourself whether you are really genuine unlike Nisha Sharma.

:-) how can she check herself ??. Normally when we are sick we go to a doctor and in case a thing is out of order we either call a plumber /electrician etc but now Ranne has to suggest where she would have to check her self :-). By the way what was this case of NIsha Sharma please eleborate 

All the best .

I now await the rebuttal from Jhansi ke ranee

Ranee....... (NA)     19 February 2013

Originally posted by : stanley

Originally posted by : Ranee.......


Discuss the matter with an advocate and do accordingly.If they really asked for dowry then then they really deserve punishmentHats off to you that you have the guts to protest and reject the marriage before it is held instead spoiling your life with such greedy people..

Marriage is already rejected . I presume @ ranee will assist you in your ups and down to the court for the next 5-7 yrs :-) as and when you file the case . Going to court is like you are going  for a picnic your name for the case might be called maybe by evening say 5.00 p.m and than you have to wait till than :-)  In the meanwhile you will see criminals being handcuffed and brought to court from jail in order to get their bails .Full sight seeing of the bad and ugly with no good to be seen like we see in movies . And say for instance you get married in a year or so and produce a kid than you would have to tag along your kid too as you cant leave the baby alone and than the baby would cry wahi wahi feeling hungury and you would say oh my god such a huge crowd inside the premisis now where can i breast feed the child ?? if you are not used to travelling alone your husband would have to be tagged along else your husband would have to arrange for  a stefani/spare tyre  to take you every where :-) . Hence think from your head and not from your heart :-)



Stanely, you are concern for the lady or the greedy guy?;)should he be allowed to spoil another girl's life?..Now you will tell me why this got married to him where Giving dowry is alos an offence,after getting tortured by in-laws ...:)

Before filing any cases check yourself whether you are really genuine unlike Nisha Sharma.

:-) how can she check herself ??. Normally when we are sick we go to a doctor and in case a thing is out of order we either call a plumber /electrician etc but now Ranne has to suggest where she would have to check her self :-). By the way what was this case of NIsha Sharma please eleborate 

We approach Doctor/ plumber /electrician after we detect a problem ourself...Don't you know?     

Or you consult doctor before you catch any disease??or keep plumber / electrician 24 hours at your home in the hope that somday you will have some problem in future??

If you want to learn about Nisha Sharma read previous threads properly or search google..You will know better..

All the best .

I now await the rebuttal from Jhansi ke ranee

Thank you!:P

Nitin (Law)     19 February 2013

Its a shame that even at the age of 40 Indian men and women still dependant on their parents for everything.In India arranged marriage is the culture and the same is with dowry then why people only being punished for dowry and not for arranged marriages.We all know that arranged marriage is complete Human Rights violation.

I am againt Arranged marriage and also againt Dowry at the same time i am also against people misusing the law and making marriage a business.Its shame that in Husband and Wife problem the law is also bringing the entire family members which happens nowhere in the world.

I would ask what is wrong with dowry when you follow the tradition and go through arranged marriage?The girls are treated as liability by her family and they soon want to get rid of her and the girl is never given any share in her parents property or gets any share in ancestoral property and dowry is right of a girl which she should get from her parents.

Now spoorti in your case if the boys parents asked 10 lakhs then i am sure it would not be for them it is something which they are asking for your share which is your right.

I have seen many cases where the parents of the girl having crores of asset and they just get rid of girl after marriage and the entire property is given to her brothers and the girl does not get a penny in this case the girl has her rights on her parents property which she gets in advance as dowry along with her to start a family before she is completely ingoned by her family after she is married off.

Imagine a situation in case if the husband dies and they have a kid what kind of security she is having if she is a house-wife and her in-laws are also old and also not earning.In this situation if she goes to her parents and ask for her rights in her property i am sure they will neglect her so getting dowry is also wise for a woman and this is the reason in India where we don't have any social security system such dowry system evolved and it still exists in countries like Africa and South America where there is no social security.

stanley (Freedom)     19 February 2013

Originally posted by : Ranee.......

Stanely, you are concern for the lady or the greedy guy?should he be allowed to spoil another girl's life?..Now you will tell me why this got married to him where Giving dowry is alos an offence,after getting tortured by in-laws ...

My concern for lady hence the above reply and the problems faced 

Before filing any cases check yourself whether you are really genuine unlike Nisha Sharma.

i thought when you mentioned above check yourself and meant that you were proposing a psychiatrist to her :-)
If you want to learn about Nisha Sharma read previous threads properly or search google..You will know better..

I wanted to hear from a female that Nisha sharma had filed a false case of sec 498 A and how long did this case go on ?? 5-7 yrs ??


Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     19 February 2013


Take a look...


2. Definition of `dowry’.-In this act, `dowry’ means any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly-

(a) by one party to a marriage to the other party to the marriage; or

(b) by the parents of either party to a marriage or by any other person, to either party to the marriage or to any other person;

at or before or any time after the marriage in connection with the marriage of said parties but does not include dower or mahr in the case of persons to whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applies.



Explanation II.-The expression `valuable security’ has the same meaning as in Sec. 30 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).



 Penalty for giving or taking dowry.-(1) If any person, after the commencement of this Act, gives or takes or abets the giving or taking of dowry, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years, and with the fine which shall not be less than fifteen thousand rupees or the amount of the value of such dowry, whichever is more:

Provided that the Court may, for adequate and special reasons to be recorded in the judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than five years.

* * * Explanation I omitted by Sec.2 w.e.f 2nd October, 1985

(2)Nothing in sub-section (1) shall apply to or, in relation to,-

presents which are given at the time of a marriage to the bride (without nay demand having been made in that behalf):

Provided that such presents are entered in list maintained in accordance with rule made under this Act;


presents which are given at the time of marriage to the bridegroom (without any demand having been made in that behalf):

Provided that such presents are entered in a list maintained in accordance with rules made under this Act;

Provided further that where such presents are made by or on behalf of the bride or any person related to the bride, such presents are of a customary nature and the value thereof is not excessive having regard to the financial status of the person by whom, or on whose behalf, such presents are given.



In my view does not attract provisions of law...




Ranee....... (NA)     20 February 2013

Originally posted by : stanley

Originally posted by : Ranee.......

Stanely, you are concern for the lady or the greedy guy?should he be allowed to spoil another girl's life?..Now you will tell me why this got married to him where Giving dowry is alos an offence,after getting tortured by in-laws ...

My concern for lady hence the above reply and the problems faced ..

if everybody  thinks of 4/5 years then who fight against these evils...??

Before filing any cases check yourself whether you are really genuine unlike Nisha Sharma.

i thought when you mentioned above check yourself and meant that you were proposing a psychiatrist to her :-)

Its upto your mindset what you understand! :-)  :-) 


If you want to learn about Nisha Sharma read previous threads properly or search google..You will know better..

I wanted to hear from a female that Nisha sharma had filed a false case of sec 498 A and how long did this case go on ?? 5-7 yrs ??


do you views changes depending  upon the gender of the querist?





Agreed that according to law giving and taking dowry or streedhan or whatever one may call it is prohibited.

It is not fair to ask for money, which'd amount to trading than the union of hearts.

But by and large even though its a sin which is punishable under law, ie giving and taking money, people do, out of love and affection part with money or intangible assets etc with their loved one's which cannot be overlooked.

Here the guy or his parents have asked for a particular sum, for which there is no evidence.

The stated e-mail is of no use.

But it also puts a question mark on the person who is complaining.

The process of unification of hearts and minds and bodies has not even started and this person is already talking about moving court, filing complaint etc.

Any person would think twice before taking the plunge with such a person.

Even the len-den as it is called, can be bargained, its not fixed, if the other party is too rigid, you may as well part ways as gentlemen, than entering into such a proposition where you could not afford and still got the other party convinced to come down with the final price.


eitherways no use filing complaint as such, if you do too, it will sound a bit funny.  Find a someone else within your budget.


rajiv_lodha (zz)     20 February 2013

I can see the greed of easy money which is compelling the author to take this route. U go to market, some shopkeeper quotes extorbitant price for a vegetable. U feel strange about the price n decline the offer, move ahead. If I say that sue this shopkeeper?? Where it wil land!

U want to reach him a lesson, beware u may urself learn a lesson of life while doing so!