Thanks to all for their valuable replies.
i was in very stressfull situation that i made my self to get divorce. But after getting some relaxed I m feeling divorce is not a final way. if in future i get marry with some one else than there is no guarantee they will not like my present inlaws.I tried to make them understand that whatever they done & doing are wrong, but they thinks they are right in their thoughts & did not understand. Now i decided to make them understand by a legale way. not by criminal cases but by DV case first by the counciling by their protection officers , if they still dont want to live picefully than in legal way.My case is more strong as i have many proofs like e-mail & recordings.
First i want to inform at NGO under DV act ,in which cercumstances i m living at my parents home, thn i will tell my inlaws by the counciler that i will only come back if my husband will do a job in one company continues for atleast 1 year.& also to my inlaws to behave with me as a humen & not to torture me for the dowery.TIll that time i want to file Maintenance case on My FIL for my maintenence as my husband is not working. cause of that i think my husband will get some courege to do a job & also will be continue in his job. I have seen many big matters thn my matter. If we have a law to live life piecefully thn why should i afraid of use them?& what i know abut my husband , he also know that they r wrong, but he was thinking i m like a "Sidhi sadi GAAY".& also knows abbout my proofs.So he will not dare to fight with me.
What do you think Should i use these ways?I have not counceled with any lawyer , i just got to know about this idea by reading some issues & laws in Net..Whatever i wrote in my third last paragraph by some of my knowlege, can it be done? Is it possible to fight by that way?Pls correct me if any thin wrong in that paragraph.