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simran   25 November 2015

I married man marries an unmarried women

Hi all,

My friend isha had an affair with a boy(karan) since 2007. They were so much in love and had planed for getting married also, they have physical relations as well. the relationship goes on and after one year she got to know that boy go married. Still he told her that he (karan) loves her only not his wife. So they kept on with thier relationship.  he told her he and his wife dont have physical relations. but after another two years she get to know that he had a child also. again he convinced her telling dat it was mistake and he loves her only. and he was made to drink forcibly by his parante to co-habitat with his wife. and dats how they got to have a girl child. 

i dont know, some how isha again got convinced .. relationship went on...!! after November 2009 the boy went to banglore becoz of work and stoped living with his wife. as his wife is also working, they are living saprate but his wife still visits  his parents in his native place as their baby girl lives there with her grand parents only. year back in january, isha got married to karan. now she is living with him in banglore. i just want to know thw concequencies simran can face ... as this is illigal ryt? and if karan's wife can file a case against him? but thye are not living together for more than 5 years now. can karan get divorce if yes .. on what grounds.? if isha will get right on karans property..? karans wife denied for divorce. .. so what other process is there to get divorce.? and wat about isha'z future security?

 3 Replies

Advocate Kappil Cchandna (Expert Bail & Criminal Defence Lawyer at Delhi Supreme Court of India)     25 November 2015



Karan has committed bigamy, his wife has the right to file Divorce on the ground of Adultries Relationship and Criminal Complaint under Bigamy against Karan.

In the eyes of Law Isha is not his wife, because he is already married.


Warm Regards

Kapil Chandna Advocate


Kumar Doab (FIN)     25 November 2015

Isha has no right on Karan's property.

All along she was aware that she is devloping physical relations by her own will. If she has married an already married Hindu male the marriage is illegal.

Male or female both should stay away from such relations.

Kapil Sethi (Director)     26 November 2015

Karan and Isha should have seek legal advise before the marriage. Legal experts would have given them the right solution. Now if they have already married before the society then it will be treated as crime. Both of them are criminals in the eyes of law. It is better that Karan can convince his wife the same way he convinced Isha and get the problem solved. If she goes to court then both Karan and Isha have to face the music.Good Luck!

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