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R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     04 September 2012

I.o. statement is required in chargesheet

Hi all,

In my 498a case where i m accused on last date we cross examine doctor and now court keep next date for I.O.

The chargesheet consisits of the I.O. statement in 498a state case, i have recieved chargesheet and in list of witness I.O. name was mentioned on last, but no statement copy of him attached to chargesheet as same for doctor. only medical case paper number was mentioned.

Is essential that I.O. written statement will be there as the other witness statement copies alongwith chargesheet. And witness deposed accordingy to there statement given to I.O. in the case before court as prosecution witness.

If I.O. statement was not required in the chargesheet, then what he will deposed in the court when he call upon to give evidence in the case before court as listed in witness list. As no articles were seize in the case by I.O. and there are few written false application / complaints given by the informant to the police station to different duty officer before the FIR filed as to the harrasment etc.. The I.O. would be identify and admits those complaints letter even though it was not given to him on different occassion.

kindly response to my quries and explain what kind of I.O. deposition normally in the cases. as mentioned above in this case no aritcles sieze only investigation upon complainant, medical case paper and filed chargesheet. For upto now 4 witness examined including complainant/informant.


thanks alot. 

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