Dear Sir,
I am a Muslim and married to a Hindu Girl last 5 years back and we have a girl child. 1st we married in Temple, then it registered in registrar office. Then we did Nikha as muslim tradition. As i think she will take care of my old parents and my family. After married we stayed sepaerately for year. After the birth of my girl child, our parents also started staying with us, because to take care of my daughter. My wife started quarreling with my parents and abused my parents. She left my old parents and went to her mothers house along with my daughter. Now its 3 years she is not returned back nor showing my daughter to me nor my parents. Every time threatning me to put owry or haressment case on me. I wrote several letters to Police commissioner/ D.G,P/ Police Sub-inspector. But did not get any respond from them. The situation is very worst day by day.
I tried to take divorce taking a lawyer, we have sent a notice, after several reminders, they came and compromise. But the same misbehave and quarrel. I have send again notice, she is not sighing nor ready to give me divorce.
I want to give divorce her and want my daughter with me. I am ready to take care of my daughter or ready give maintainance for my daughter.
If any law for victim husbands ? she is harrshing me from last 5 years not coming back nor giving me divorce. Please advise.
Please help me.