Mr. Jitendra has rightly said, once an act is act; it can't be banned except amendment to certain parts to suit public demand.
hage nibo (lawyer) 06 April 2009
Mr. Jitendra has rightly said, once an act is act; it can't be banned except amendment to certain parts to suit public demand.
hage nibo (lawyer) 06 April 2009
Mr. Jitendra has rightly said, once an act is act; it can't be banned except amendment to certain parts to suit public demand.
B.N.Rajamohamed (advocate / commissioner of oaths) 08 April 2009
Being a human being i understand and sympathise for the tragic end of your son. But as a lawyer i cannot support your anguish proposals because, Information technology Act is legislated for the main pupose of curtailing not only the crimes pertaining to frauds etc but also to curb the errotic activities that pollutes the young society. What you feel is unjustifiable and inadmissible.
In this technological era if such laws are not there then you yourself may feel the consequences of it. Please avoid moving the court for PIL.
May your sons soul rest in peace.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil) 11 April 2009
Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist) 18 December 2009
Respected Sir,
It is a very unfotunate incident. It is unfortunate that our country has a legal system inherited by the Britishers. We have forgotten age old justice system used by the great Kings/rulers of India. Where different type of punishment was given for the same crime depending upon nature of the person. That was actual "Raja Ka Nyaya". Instead of looking/placing reliance in Indian perspective, we place reliance on the rules of other country.
At last one message is clear from the above discussion is "Money can not make everyone happy". Your son was a very sensitive type of person. I will pray for him.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 18 December 2009
Sixty years to Independence. Nothing has changed and nothing will.
Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist) 18 December 2009
" 'hani labh jeevan maran yash apyash vidhi hath"
"Hoihen wahi jo ram rachi rakha, kokari tark badawahin sakha"