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kavitha (not working)     16 November 2011

If a guy refuse to marry a girl after sex

what are common questions that rape victims are asked during court trial????


 37 Replies (manager)     16 November 2011

See, being raped and forcibly s*x are two different things, also refusing a guy to marry after giving commitment to the giral after having s*x is a crime. Dont you watch movies?



This is the right site for such questions.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     16 November 2011

Rape is very henious offence. Cross examination is very important. So answer your question compalint statement and statment of wittnesess and investigation officers details are necessary

DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     16 November 2011

Very  complicated   questions   are    asked   in   Rape   Cases   in  the   Court..

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     16 November 2011

there is no set performa for such purposes....every case has its own merits and things move according to facts of the case.

Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate)     16 November 2011

I agree with adv.rajeev



Attached File : 143960 225829 29 rapeevidence.pdf downloaded: 359 times
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Here's a very useful  useful tool in PDF format. If the link doesn't work you can get back to me and follow the steps I suggest and consult an excellent attorney. If you want I can tell what steps you must take.

Attached File : 144272 225873 52 presenting medical evidenceinrape.pdf downloaded: 319 times

Arvind Sehdev (Advocate)     16 November 2011

If the guy promised to marry the girl after s*x then the guy cannot refuse after s*x... It shall amount to rape.... but when there was no such express promise made to the girl then just because he had s*x and then not marrying doesnot amount to rape....

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N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     17 November 2011

I agree vwith my friend Kiran and thanks Irene for the link.

kavitha (not working)     17 November 2011

yes he promised me and he used to call me wifey, i have sms evidence like saying he will marry me , he will die w/o me etc ,some of our friends also know it but the think is its a non penetrative s*x -oral and fingering we stayed in resort i have proof of that , from my end no photo evidence  or medical evidence because he know very well that i am a virgin , so i am confused about ipc section he should be remand but some saying he will be fined thatsall , i need justice for this case pls help me what i have to do for it ????

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     17 November 2011

Dear Kavitha

there is no specific performa regarding this matter it is based on case to case and according to facts

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     17 November 2011

Cross happens on the examination in cheif and how you have deposed.


But in another thread you stated, you never had penetrative s*x. Then how come Rape case be established/



Shonee Kapoor

kavitha (not working)     17 November 2011

then what section i can file on him , because arvind seth said  under purview of rape i can file 376 ????

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