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Darshan Gunjal Patil   20 August 2019

if my transaction with the person is completed and still he deposited my cheque it bounced and he doing case then what should i do . i have all bank statement

if my transaction with the person is completed and still he deposited my cheque it bounced and he doing case then what should i do . i have all bank statement

 4 Replies

Murtuza Bohra   20 August 2019

under section 138 NI Act the cheque bounce is a offence and the burden of proof is on the person whose cheque is bounced. You should reply to the notice in clear terms annexing the discharge of debt evidence. This should be followed while you submit your evidence. Ordinarily the court will discharge you if are able successfully demonstrate the settlement of debt

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     20 August 2019

Since that person is having the instrument he can file the complaint under 138 NIA if bounced ,however you have to prove your innocense through evidance. You were suppoused to take back the cheque before making final payments.

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     20 August 2019

mark your presence on the due date in court, then file your objection positively you will be discharge

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     20 August 2019

aslo file application under section 340 Crpc
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