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b man (Namaste)     21 June 2012

Illegal eviction--limitation expired


I was illegally evicted (water cut, elect cut forced to move residence temperarily, I had not vacated the flat) then the bldg  was demolished for redevelopment. 


I want to hold all the concern persons accountable for their criminal acts and demolishtion without my consent (had sole possession of the flat for past 11 years).


The STATUTE OF LIMITATION, I was told by someone has passed as the case is 1 year old.


I wish to know how do I get JUSTICE in when limitations period has passed.


Surely, the LAW can't say that the limitation period has passed so the CRIMINAL ACTS of the accused can be excused. 


Does that mean that I person who due to financial constraints did not act for 1 year has NO RIGHT TO GET JUSTICE.


I FIND THIS SHOCKING. Please suggest some way out for me.





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