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vikram (student)     16 June 2013

Implementation of article 371j of constitution of india

In the moth of december of december according to the 118th Constitutional Amendment Bill passed by the parliament. that is according to the article 371 J

It’ll grant special status to six backward districts of Hyderabad-Karnataka region to


  1. Establish of a separate Development Board
  2. This board will see that sufficient funds are allocated for Development of the region.
  3. Local reservation in education and Government-jobs (Domicile requirement.)   

and thus the state government stopped the recruitment process for government jobs in this region till the rules are framed, but it is going to distribution of seats in professional colleges clearly overlooking the constitution which states local reservation in education to be given to the people of this region, how can the government on one hand stay the jobs till rules are framed and on the other hand go on seat distribution stating rules are yet to be formed.

so i want to file a PIL as it concerns the constitutional right of the entire population belonging to this region, kindly help me in filing the PIL in high court (Gulbarga bench ), i dont want to engage a lawyer, how to file it please help me.

Thank you.

 5 Replies

jagadish hiremath (advocate & tax consultant)     20 June 2013

U can narrate the problems in PIL which are facing by the six backward districts of Hyderabad-Karnataka region and urge to
Establish of a separate Development Board. If such fecelities are not given whithin a short span of time some candidates may loose thier employment due to age limit. Directly u may approach the High Court, Banglore/Gulbarga through PIL without engaging the Advoctes. My suggestion is that it is better to file through Advocates, as it would better helpfull to you of Hyderbad Karnataka to results in earliest.


Dear Sir,

Local Reservation for job under 371-J article .My suggestion is that to implement Age Relaxation under Government jobs for about 15 Years because the People of these regions are fighting for this artcle from since many years back Dr. Dogganal Mahadevappa Nanjundappa given report so i think AGE RELAXATION FACTOR IS MUST by providing this the people who crossed their limits can help them to get more chances of getting jobs to implement themselves for  their better future by mplementing this we can  achieve the main  reason for why this 371 artcle wanted to be created for better welfare of peoples





Attached File : 97573124 371-j.doc downloaded: 306 times


Anybody filed PIL for age relaxation under 371 J


Age factor is most important factor under this article if suppose not done it's useless for all six district's commitity should understand if they are from these region and have knowledge

dr g balakrishnan (advocate/counsel supreme court)     27 July 2014

Problem is Legislators both at states as also at Parliament are having short term perceptions but clearly ignore the peoples' problems, that can be a pointer in Art 226 PIL writs THAT CAN BE FILED.

See in 1802-03  the Attorney general in US to president Washington and then to John Adams Mr Lee argued in Stuart v Laird, against the repeal Act of Circuit court Act,  that if SC judges do take circuit rides to sit on circuit benches which are essentially Original side benches and very same justices sit on SC on Appellate side naturally they would uphold their own opinion at circuit at SC, and that would violate the right of litigants' constitutionality of better opinions/verdicts.


so it is vital jibs reservations apart, peoples fundamental rights are the basic tenet of the indian constitution that can never be changed, after all every constitution is founded on a clear contractual understanding with then people irrespective of caste and other variables with constitution assembly but how a parliament run by a government with various divisive approaches can harm the fundamental rights of the citizens as there is only one citizenship in India like Indian citizenship, can be another argument you can put in your PIL;


Again appointing administrative tribunals members from departments is allowing them to sit on tribunals on issues of their own departments instead of asking the member from same department even though reappointed as Member on tribunal to recuse himself from the bench when his erstwhile department cases surface and naturally there would be tendency for any human being to be biased in favor of his past department instead of public litigant who seeks his fundamental right to be protected impartially could be another argument, as here people affected are eve n general category [people too!


like wise PIL could proceed! 

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