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Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     24 May 2011

Importing Blank pistols

Hello there:

I am Neerraj, and I'd like to know if I can import blank/starter pistols from the US. Someone told me that I will need to have a police NOC for that. Its a toy- it looks, make noise, and functions like a real firearm though, but it cant shoot projectiles. Need some ideas.




 19 Replies

Democratic Indian (n/a)     24 May 2011

People spread all kinds of disinformation. Who is the police to give you NOC? Please note that imitation firearms are not covered by Arms Act 1959. Your blank pistol would fall in category of imitation firearms. By the way if you are buying this imitation firearm with idea of scaring criminals, I will say that it is a very unwise decision because your oponent may think that you are drawing a real firearm to kill him and he may attack to kill you instantly in order to defend himself. Instead apply for an arms license and go for real firearm, it is your right.


Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     24 May 2011

Thanks for the prompt revert. No, the idea is not to carry it on my belt, or to scare anyone. It's just for the sake of collection. They are sold at 45k to 50k in India. Just for a few more thousands, I could buy a real firearm.( of course, I need to have a license for it). So importing would help. They are available for 120 to 150 USD, could be shipped to India. Just needed clarification. I appreciate you took time to shed a light on this.

So, what are the rules to import the immitation firearms. I see them in the movies.



Democratic Indian (n/a)     25 May 2011

Please refer for applicable ITC-HS Codes for details.

Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     25 May 2011

Thanks, the notification states that its FREE to import, but the user/purchaser has to obtain some kind of a licence/requisite. That part is unclear. If its not restricted, then what do they require, if its not a firearm? Confised!



Democratic Indian (n/a)     25 May 2011

Can you please provide details of the government document that says you have to obtain "kind of license" etc. for blank pistols. I am not able to figure out why would anyone need a "license" for a useless piece of imitation firearm that is not even covered by arms act. So many such imitation firearms for children are up for sale every year during diwali.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     25 May 2011

Found an interesting picture for all to think and apply their minds.

Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     26 May 2011

Please check the word doc attached with this post. I have marked that part in yellow.



Attached File : 118102 180829 11 ch 93.doc downloaded: 1698 times

Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     26 May 2011

Loved the pic. Thanks for sharing. :)

Democratic Indian (n/a)     26 May 2011

Read the document, the portion highlighted in yellow in that documents is applicable to those equipment that are arms/firearms etc. Blank pistols(use of word pistol is misleading since they are not pistols as per arms act), they are rather imitation firearms i.e. they only look like firearms. As per Arms Act 1959 they are neither arms nor firearms, please refer Section 2 of Arms Act 1959 to understand. When something is nor an arm or a firearm, the question of obtaining a license for it does not arise.

Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     26 May 2011

Thanks- but I got confused because of this part-

"Import  subject to the condition that the requirements specified in the MHA Notification No. S.O. 667(E) dated 12.09.1985 and Notification No. S.O. 831 (E) dated 2.8.2002 are fulfilled and also that the purchaser/user of these items shall obtain requisite user license from the competent authority under the provisions of the existing Arms Act, 1959."

The notification is confusing as it states that it's FREE, which means its not a restricted item. Also, next to it they put the condition, "Import subject to the condition..."

So, what we conclude is, they're importable. But I am so sure that the babu's are going to demand some premium. :(

So carrying the copy of notification would help- just in case my parcel gets detained. Right?


Democratic Indian (n/a)     26 May 2011

If you note the part of notification that you have mentioned is for "muzzle loading firearms". Is the product you are importing a "firearm" or "arm" or "ammunition" etc. as per Section 2 of Arms Act 1959? No. Then is this part of notification applicable to the product you are importing? Even if for limited scope of this discussion I presume that this part is applicable to the product you are importing then who will give you a license under arms act if the product is not a arm or a firearm? I think best would be to confirm from customs as to which ITC-HS Code is applicable since the product you are importing is niether an arm or a firearm, ammunition or part etc. as per section 2 of arms act.

Neerraj Obhaan (Manager)     28 May 2011

Thanks, I can send an RTI.

Also, a friend's travelling from China. He's Chinese. Will he have any problem if he carries .177 cal air rifle or pistol with him? He told me that he'll help me get one. Any ideas or suggestions?



srinivas (contractor)     16 June 2011


      i am also looking for blank fire gun,did u import one or there was any problem in importing

Manish Sharma (Student)     18 March 2012

I want to import a blank firing gun from us dealer. Can anyone help me whether it will be possible to get it cleared from customs without any problem. I will pay whatever the import duty is there for it. I want it for my collection and just for funsake. I am not having any intention to threatening anyone.

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