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Jatin aggarwal   04 June 2020

Improper experience letter

My company has been acquired by other company and after leaving my job they wrote in my experience certificate that you signed NDA and if you violate that then legal action will be taken against you. However NDA was signed already so no point to write these lines in it. When I asked then they said it's standard format. It mean you can write anything in it.Secondly, they haven't mentioned anything about new company who purchased the earlier company. I asked them please give me experience of new company as you have been acquired by new company then they said its a part of new company so not required and if any employer will verify then we will provide information. How come they are not giving me experience of new company even I said mention anything about new company that is fine but they didn't . Please tell me law in which we can take legal action or should I ask new company about this point and what??

 3 Replies

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     04 June 2020


As per me new company existed just now so they have rightly issued you experienced certificate. They also agreed to provide verfication for you. Still if you want you can issue legal notice and call them to issue certificate later on you can approach labour court.

Jatin aggarwal   05 June 2020

Shreya thanks for reply. But here my query is not regarding the contents, validity or enforciblility of NDA. That had executed in past. Here question is regarding why they are mentioning in experience letter? And second question is regarding why new company name is not mentioned on my experience letter? Please read my query once again thanks

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