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Daljeet Singh (editor)     30 April 2011

In Public Interest

RTI act came into force in 15/june/2005   with in one hundreds and twent five days of  this act

all the govt empollyee had to disclose their asset  on public demon like suprem court judges and High court judges

but mostly in police dempartment no body has disclose their assest on public demon

today govt has given circular to all India Services if any one will not disclose their assets will not get promotion and other incrfement Circular is as follows  my main question is those who has not disclose their assets and got promotion after the miscounduct of RTI act  should be they deranked 

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated :11.03.2011


Subject : Procedure to be observed by the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) – Model Calendar for DPCs and related matters – Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.04.1989 containing consolidated instructions on DPCs. These instructions inter-alia provide that the DPC’s should be convened at regular intervals (by laying down a time-schedule for this purpose) to draw panels which could be utilised for making promotions against the vacancies occurring during the course of a year. This enjoins upon the concerned authorities to initiate action to fill up the existing as well as anticipated vacancies well in advance of the expiry of the previous panel by collecting relevant documents like Seniority List, Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs), etc. for placing before the DPCs.

2. The above instructions have been reiterated vide this Department’s O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 8.9.1998. In these instructions, it has been further stated that delays in promotions result in considerable frustrations amongst the officers, thereby adversely affecting their morale and overall productivity. As a remedial measure, it has been suggested that all Ministries/Departments provide for a time schedule for convening DPCs. A time schedule for convening DPCs was prescribed with the objective of ensuring that the prepared panel is utilized as and when the vacancy arises during the course of the vacancy year. It has been prescribed that in all cases requiring approval of ACC, administrative action for convening DPCs is initiated at least 81/2 months before the commencement of vacancy year and that DPCs are held at least 4 months before the commencement of the vacancy year. In other cases where approval of ACC is not required, it has been prescribed that DPCs should be held at least two months before the commencement of the vacancy year. A model calendar was also prescribed for DPCs. It was expected that this time frame will be followed in letter and spirit for all DPCs.

3 . Instances have come to the notice of this Department where DPCs are not being held in advance of the vacancy year as per the prescribed schedule. Delays in holding DPCs not only affect the manpower planning in various Ministries/Departments, but also impede the career progression across the Board. Administrative delays in holding of DPCs have been viewed adversely by the Courts and is the main reason for litigation before CAT and various High Courts.

4. Non-adherence to time frame of DPCs is a matter of serious concern to the Government. Hence, all concerned cadre controlling authorities are once again counselled to ensure strict adherence to the model calendar for the DPCs as circulated vide this Department’s O.M. dated 8.9.1998. Wherever DPCs are yet to be held for the vacancies arising in the year 2011-2012, the same may be completed by 31.3.2011 and for future vacancy years, the time frame referred to in Para 2 above may be strictly complied with.

5. All Ministries/Departments are also advised to immediately nominate an officer of the level of Joint Secretary as the designated authority for ensuring timely holding of DPCs and to certify adherence to the model calendar for all DPCs in the Ministries / Departments.

6. Hindi version will follow.

(Smita Kumar)
Director (Establishment-I

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated :11.03.2011


Subject : Procedure to be observed by the Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) – Model Calendar for DPCs and related matters – Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.04.1989 containing consolidated instructions on DPCs. These instructions inter-alia provide that the DPC’s should be convened at regular intervals (by laying down a time-schedule for this purpose) to draw panels which could be utilised for making promotions against the vacancies occurring during the course of a year. This enjoins upon the concerned authorities to initiate action to fill up the existing as well as anticipated vacancies well in advance of the expiry of the previous panel by collecting relevant documents like Seniority List, Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs), etc. for placing before the DPCs.

2. The above instructions have been reiterated vide this Department’s O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 8.9.1998. In these instructions, it has been further stated that delays in promotions result in considerable frustrations amongst the officers, thereby adversely affecting their morale and overall productivity. As a remedial measure, it has been suggested that all Ministries/Departments provide for a time schedule for convening DPCs. A time schedule for convening DPCs was prescribed with the objective of ensuring that the prepared panel is utilized as and when the vacancy arises during the course of the vacancy year. It has been prescribed that in all cases requiring approval of ACC, administrative action for convening DPCs is initiated at least 81/2 months before the commencement of vacancy year and that DPCs are held at least 4 months before the commencement of the vacancy year. In other cases where approval of ACC is not required, it has been prescribed that DPCs should be held at least two months before the commencement of the vacancy year. A model calendar was also prescribed for DPCs. It was expected that this time frame will be followed in letter and spirit for all DPCs.

3 . Instances have come to the notice of this Department where DPCs are not being held in advance of the vacancy year as per the prescribed schedule. Delays in holding DPCs not only affect the manpower planning in various Ministries/Departments, but also impede the career progression across the Board. Administrative delays in holding of DPCs have been viewed adversely by the Courts and is the main reason for litigation before CAT and various High Courts.

4. Non-adherence to time frame of DPCs is a matter of serious concern to the Government. Hence, all concerned cadre controlling authorities are once again counselled to ensure strict adherence to the model calendar for the DPCs as circulated vide this Department’s O.M. dated 8.9.1998. Wherever DPCs are yet to be held for the vacancies arising in the year 2011-2012, the same may be completed by 31.3.2011 and for future vacancy years, the time frame referred to in Para 2 above may be strictly complied with.

5. All Ministries/Departments are also advised to immediately nominate an officer of the level of Joint Secretary as the designated authority for ensuring timely holding of DPCs and to certify adherence to the model calendar for all DPCs in the Ministries / Departments.

6. Hindi version will follow.

(Smita Kumar)
Director (Establishment-I


 1 Replies

pratik (self working)     30 April 2011

Good Info.

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