My cousin is working in TRUIMPH SYSYTEM AND SOLUTION PVT LTD. he had gone to chenai to condust training for his company for two months and after returning he filed all the bils that he had incurred upon himself like food etc teh same has not yet been paid to him yet his claims and incentives is approximately 10000 and now as he has gone to chennai again for two months and asking for previous claims there is no reply from the company they just say we never hold any pemployees salary for undue reason but still not paying the same as this person has his tenure till March and he has resigned from this company and in notice period for expiring on April what remedy this person has in the event of non payment of dues he has written several mails to HR and other management who are not at all replying and what can he do if his compay refuses to give him releaving letter of his salary and other claims before or after the notice period end. As he is conducting a training for their client they are not replying anything but one thing is for sure that after training ends they might cause him problem at the last moment kindly suggest the precaution that he can take to join his new company and get his salary and claims from existing one.
Thank you