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Deepak Kumar Vasudevan ((Confidential))     20 September 2010

Incident of Personal Attack in LCI again ...

LCI Admin,

Recently we have been seeing stale incidents of attacks and assaults driven out of hysteria and personal vendetta. Today we again are stumbling upon a new variant of the same. 

Pl. see the screenshot attached. I believe LCI team should be more proactive in curbing this menace at the inception itself rather than leaving it carcinogenic on the fine setup and fabric of the forums.


 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     20 September 2010

@ Author,

1. Every adult Indian has millions of ideas from birth......

2. Every adult Indian after having millions of ideas from birth makes it a point  to force push his/her ideas to the very next person he / she sees it without realsing that,


3. Every adult Indian should first make an endeavour to implement first in him/herself that idea instead of complaining and picking same people who had the courage to say NO instead of being your YES MEN !

Re.; to the screen shot you put before the forum; now tell the forum how your sense and sensiabilities got hurt by one person not saying YES SIR to your ideas on indecent representation of women is GREATEST which has been ever heard in Indian soil?

The subject matter that you took to your heart is US$ 3 billion dollar INDUSTRY and it has pervaded Indian metropolis clubbed with her B / C grade cities. Pick up news paper from these cities and see under HEALTH the open pedelling of indecency with cell. no. and pricing and standard of escort / MTF / FTM massage service etc.  Now, did it ever occur to you to storm the same News Paper office single handedly and ask them not to take such indecent representation of Indian and CIS and other caste, creed of women representation into escort services in Indian soil? For stoppign it one man is enough and you don't need 80K+ members nod to your idea.. No na.........but you are crying wolf over Youtube which is not even HQred in India.

Com'n man wake up start flushing the indecent representation first wihin (means here in India starting with Indian Models and Escorts advertisement that are daily featured in various Newspapers) then target USA and make an effort to shut down YOUTUBE.

Now, complain to Admin Mr Y Prakash and include my name onto the list of personal attackers to your idea bze I have the courage to say look outward to your presented (pot) screenshot !

Democratic Indian (n/a)     21 September 2010

To author and all reading this, my ideas are very clear and expressed at and also below:

Just as you are free to choose your actions out of YOUR OWN FREE choice, I too would like to be able to make the CHOICE, not have someone else force his/ her/ their choices on me - that is called FREEDOM and without FREEDOM we are just like monkeys in the zoo. They are fed, protected, decided upon what is good or bad for them. The only thing laking is FREEDOM.

Do we want our lives to be like that of monkeys in the zoo? Our lives to be dictated around, under the control and pretext of some "greater good" or high "moral" opinions?

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - C. S. LEWIS

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt


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