You are not responsible for the loss of records or no records.
They are playing games with you as they are neither declining that relieving letter was issued to you not stating that it is fake............
You must have been redesignated by an office order. Don't you have it?
Your designation must have been stated in salary slip.Don't you have it?
If BGV feedback is affecting you collect the copy and approach your able labor Law Consultant/Service Matters Lawyer.
You should provide full information, pointwise!
What is this establishment registered as: Commercial,Industrial?
What is its line of business:IT,ITeS,banking etc?
How many maxmimum persons are employed in it at any point of time?
The Redg Office,Corporate Office of the company, and your reporting office was located in which state?
What was your designation and nature of duties?
Do you have leave policy, HR policy,Service Rules and Regulations,Conduct and Discipline Rules that are mentioned in the appointment letter, and so called BOND?
Was any appointment letter,salary slip of each month,PF number with a/c slips,ESIC card,Form16 given to you?
Did you resign in writing under proper acknowledgment (followed by letter under acknowledgment or by Redg. Post) , and do you have its copy? What was designatation mentioned by you in it?
Has acknowledgment of notice of resignation, supplied to you? What was designatation mentioned by establishment in it?
Are you a member of any employee’s/Trade Unions?
What was your monthly salary?