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Increase in divorce ?

why is there such a drastic increase in divorce cases in India? Is it because of change in marriage laws or something else?

 4 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     01 October 2012

its a larger social problem dear, there are various reasons. 

but the unfortunate aspect is once you start discussing it, the blame game begins.

its true that laws and the high ups of the society have a huge contribution to the detriorating Indian families.

nowadays, Indians dont behave like Indians....

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     01 October 2012

@ Author,

In reference to context (

, Once Parents kept mum when women centric gender biased laws were made.
For "them" marriage will always remain sacrosanct hence they thought then no point raising questions and left for "you" their next generation to decide.

2. Since then metro women have become greatly "united" and "empowered", now they know they have “rights” for sure.
Women came out much quickly then men from their sacrosanct vows.

Hence there is increase in present day’s Divorce rates with which your thread started and gives birth to perennial discussion points.

Well if you want to keep the statistics truncated for HIS tomorrow then;

. Don’t ever gets married in Law. Or for that matter re-married, instead,
When above reference Laws were made since then second generation has come to cross roads of wrong sides of their 30's and if such laws cannot follow society and becomes gender neutral then what is the point marrying in law?

B. Opt for Live-in where in no matter how live-in laws shapes up in future the surrogate’s kid(s) will not complain about you keeping mum in your times when you are sun bathing in your senior citizen retirement homes somewhere made in a oasis in Thar deserts.
Larger general male public needs to be shown the "solution" as living with a "problem" is not going to be good for their productive years.

And thus the full circle begins with 1 and re-starts with B at the time of replying to your query.

Savvy !

1 Like

P.K.Haridasan (Advocate)     02 October 2012

Difficulty to adjust. Adamant attitudes of partners. Financial  stablity ,  unethical support of parents , away from duties, only few to mention.

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Amit (NA)     04 October 2012

Too much financial and social indepence has come to women too quickly.

And without sounding like a chauvunist, it's my opinion that women have not matured to think about the social impacts of theyr decisions. They are mostly impulsive. Lot of religions and philosophies prohibit women from critical decision making as a rule (there are of course exceptions).

Men have not changed from millennia.

Result of combination of the above is increased divorces.


As TaJobs mentioned, future going forward is live-in relationships or some one suggested walk-in relationships.

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