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Raj (fr)     05 March 2013

India post’s online tracking printout accepted in court

Is India Post’s online tracking Printout accepted in court as a proof that the court summon has been delivered and accepted by them.This is required as I wish to putup for Expartee as the acknowledgement has not been received till date.

Do the court accept it.Is there some legal backing for it.

Please help me in this regard.



 13 Replies

Never Give Up (Fighter)     05 March 2013

If you do not get physical copy of ack. then go to that post office with print out and meet post master. He will say that generally ack. are not delivered in time / lost. So he will happily put a post stamp on your print out and sign it. This can be treated as actual receipt. Now this paper should be accepted in court .

Deep_blues (Engineer)     05 March 2013

dear, delivary report of regd. summons , through official india post website, are very well accepted by courts....i used the same during my divorce case and service of summons satisfied...its very important for all distressed husbands...make use of it. regards nd best of luck.

**Victim** (job)     05 March 2013

@ Author,

Do you have any proof to prove that person to whom court is sending summons actually lives there ? Online tracking will simply tell u that post office attempted to deliver the regd. post but the other party did not accept it. When they deny to accept the notice then there should be remark in the regd. post saying that (not accepted) and that remarked receipt is considered as summons served. But if you are trying to simply prove based on the online status that the person is not accepting the summons then there are good chances that even though exparty given ,it is going to be challenged.  I am confident that the opposition knows that when postman comes to the door not to sign any acknowledgment or don't even open the door so that there is no remark in acknowledgement receipt. This is a common strategy played these days - first they will make things harder for you by not accepting summons and then once exparty given they will appear and challenge the order in upper court.


P.S. There are other ways to deliver summons such as pasting summons at their door or by newspaper publication

Raj (fr)     05 March 2013

The online remark is delivered but in case the AD is not received by the court and she does not attend the summon ,then in that case I may apply for ex-partee.

Based on the advice of "never give up" I have been to the post office but the post master refused to "put a post stamp on  print out and sign it".They adviced to go to the supretendent of post,there they said t should be wrtten applcation by sender then only they can do the needful.

Dear "deep blue" was the print out of delivery accepted ,how did you convienced or normally they accept it.If you have some backup please send it on my mail id

Thanks n advance,



Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     05 March 2013

they said t should be wrtten applcation by sender then only they can do the needful.


its correct.

u should give an application on plain paper.

i have done it several times.

then then give u stamped receipt of delivery - after 2 days

attached hereby pl. find the format.

Attached File : 720795024 complaint.jpg downloaded: 272 times

Raj (fr)     06 March 2013

But Amit Ji the sender is the court then how can  i make the application.Can  i make the application regarding the delivery of summon to my wife.

Please respond.



Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     06 March 2013

for this, its always better to send the summons by RPAD - by hand

so though the court is sender, u r having the redeipt & file complaint @ post office 

it works

i have done so- 

Raj (fr)     06 March 2013

Dear Amit ji,

What is the procedure to send the summons by RPAD - by hand so though the court is sender,it is a new thing to me.



**Victim** (job)     08 March 2013

@ Raj,

If my assumption is right then what amit is trying to explain you is that, you may request court to hand you the mailing envelope which contains court seal and court address then the person responsible to mail then envelope is you. So on top of that when you mail the envelope you can request for tracking number or even registered mail receipt on which you will have control.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     08 March 2013

u have to file application in court for getting the summons BY HAND to send by RPAD.

generally such application is granted immediately.

Raj (fr)     13 March 2013

Can the reply(from suptd. of post offices) to the letter from my advocate by the Suptd. of postoffices that the summon letter has been delivered to the respondent is sufficient proof that the summon has been served when the AD card has not been returned back,will the court accept the same and proceed for the expartee.



yadavalli mohanrao   23 April 2019

The Supreme Court of India Citation AIR 2002SC3557

Civil Appeal No. 6489 of 2002 Basanth singh and another Vs 

Roman Catholic Mission  

will help you. 

Ask Posal Authority  for clarifiction about tracking report online validity. 

Mohan Rao Yadavalli Hyderabad 93477 8677

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