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India seeks corrupt leaders



India Seeks Corrupt Leaders




Hardly India can boast of having on its board honest leaders from any walk of life. it is because India does not want honest people but seeks only corrupt leaders and rich  people to cut people's throat. 


The way the political parties and leaders dramatically prevented, at least so far, the anti-corrupt law n the parliament clearly reveals the really immoral and illegal intent of Indian leaders. 


Regime after regime, both at the state levels and at the centre, promotes corruption linked to crimes. 


Administration, police, intelligence and higher courts are used as tools to promote corruptions and shield the crimes. 


Central government that controls both intelligence and the judiciary, using them both only to  bully and coerce only those leaders who do not promote the regime/ruling party interests. 

The national corporate bosses and billionaires, promoted and pampered by this corrupt system help the regime sustain corrupt regime intact. 

India regime now represented by Manmohan-Sonia-Pratibha combine, national and regional political leaders, guided by the corporates, intelligences, media lords and transnationals and their western bosses, is typical façade of Indian corrupt system. 


Cutting across religions and castes, most of the politicians have, with help from party networks and bureaucracy,  amassed huge wealth illegally and immorally. And financed by corporate world they control state assemblies and parliament. 

During the last decades since independence, India has managed only to create rotten, alcoholic, scrupulous elements in all walks of life with regular felicitations. There is hardly any difference between the rulers-leaders and extra fanatic and extremely biased cricket commentators who continue to make same rotten comments by using phrases like “fabulous” and “fantastic” which in reality would simply mean nothing.  A bog zero!

And India is known to have zero tolerance to criticism and home-foreign ministries go goes all about to finish off any criticism of India indoors or abroad. USA-UK terror twins and Israel help India in monitoring any negative reports of India. 

Thus, India also helps the state criminals and corrupt gangs escape without any punishment. At times a few arrests are made only to fool the public. 

Supreme Court could remove the elected premier from office only in Pakistan but in India or any other terrocracy like USA, UK Israel, such drastic action to streamline a system is just unthinkable. India showcases Hindus as only great people. They say it is their asset and problem! 



د. عبد راف 

Dr. Abdul RuffSpecialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst-columnist;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA  & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309

 2 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     22 June 2012

Given its massive population, India's success in developing a civil society with a vibrant democracy in the face of several constraints, is now well recognized. A developing country like India has innumerable problems to overcome and it is working diligently towards them. Indian democracy is yet in transforming stage it’s a long and hard road travel to the place where democracy has any meaning. The first step along that road is undoubtedly the primary education. Primary education is a prerequisite for universal adult franchise. Without primary education, you cannot have a literate and informed adult. Without an informed electorate, you cannot have a meaningful democracy.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     22 June 2012

In the name of of check and balance of the Constitution of  India, our judiciary has been made to act like a Lion under Solomon's  thrones. Even our supreme Court can not act the way Pakistan Supreme Court has acted.

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