Indian Nuclearism: Kudankulam Villagers vs. Indian regime
Obviously, India, courting the USA-UK terror twins, has a permanent nuclear arms agenda for regional leadership and rivalry.
The mighty nuclear terror India once again tries to show, not only to its neighbors like Pakistan and others, but even to its own people that Indian national political parties and their organized gangs are above the nation and people, shamelessly trying to impose the secret nuclear agenda of notorious UNSC on the innocent Kudankulam villagers.
It is crudely shameful on part of India that it should fight villagers, instead of nuclear deals and agents who mint huge sums in this anti-humanity trade.
An exceedingly arrogant Indian regime does not take the people into confidence in real terms and only uses its vast propaganda gangs to terrorize the villagers of Kudankulam in south Tamil State, is increasingly terrocratic, trying to kill its people.
While promoting multinationals and their nominees, Indian regime and the regional regimes have kept the villagers illiterates for political reasons.
Having fully exposed in its nuclear terror designs, Indian regime has been employing all possible sources to discredit the anti-nuclear terror movement n Kudankulam by spreading fake rumors of "foreign funds and liquor" But the reports suggest the central government agencies are distributing money and liquor to the people collected by the Congress-BJP gangs to coerce the movement leaders to abandon their legitimate struggle.
There are many theories behind the stalling of the project, including allegations of US hand by funding from US NGOs, Swedes humanist.
Korunanidhi, a film scriptt writer turned former CM of TN, instead of working for the people’s genuine anti-nuclear terror concerns, plays dirty politics only to attack the ruling party and arch foe ADMK and Jayalalitha. It was Karunanidhi’s DMK party that promoted rampant corruption in Tamil stare by fixing price tags for jobs and services, making the unaffordable poor weaker than ever. Karunanidhi wants to somehow free his daughter and other family members from the 2G scam clutches and hence his pro-nuclearism rhetoric. By supporting the corrupt Manmohan regime, Karunanidhi, who used police to trouble anyone who is not in DMK, has somehow got his daughter out of Tihar jail recently but she is believed to be involved in the scam. India must recover the 2G losses from DMK party.
Since corruption itself is now national property under the Manmohan-Sonia-Patil rule, Karunanidhi is safe. The so-called Kolainjar, who and whose family have amassed huge chunks of lands and money dung past 3 decades of their existence under the corrupt DMK party that it is not the time to fight the TN p rulers or support the nuclear terror agents commissioned by the central government.
India stand fully exposed as a terrocratic nation in front of its own people, trying all gimmicks to silence the protesters against state sponsored nuclear terror project.
Those who protest the imposition of nuclear terror project on Tamils need urgent financial help to support their legitimate humanistic struggle against a formidable terrocratic state with plenty of resources both while and black.
Those willing to express solidarity with these great people of Tamilnad should come forward to offer enough fund to defend the struggle for grand success, eventually making the nuclear projects punishable offense. . .
In order to make Tamil soil free form s atomic menace, The Kalpakkam Atomic Power station located near Chennai should be shut down once electricity problem is stabilized.
The state must expand efforts including purchasing power from other states and getting it from central grid while acknowledging the electricity shortage.
Big business men and actors who enough money to spare can help h them and the amount could be deducted from taxes. So, they do not lose any money but would contribute a great cause of humanity.
Tamil film heroes, who always fight against injustice and for the poor, underprivileged and distressed, and made good fortunes from that, must now show their real worth to the people by supporting the peaceful Kudankulam cause, and they should be generous in releasing their valets for the Kudankulam masses starving to protect their birth right to keep their soil nuclear-free. These actors, producers and directors need not go and fight the New Delhi's political agents with malicious nuclear agenda right on the streets as they do in movies, but positively help the poor in village of Kudankulam fighting against the monstrous regime targeting the illiterate people.
Perhaps, as usual, India expected its trusted media, behind which the intelligence teams hide and supply hot "news", to promote India's illegal ambition for more nukes to terrorize humanity. However, media now know the hidden agendas of Indian terrocracy.
Illiterates are not fools, by the way! Kudankulam is the finest example.
An Observation
Nukes are considered a s serious threat to the nations themselves and burden by even the largest nuclear asset holders like USA, Russia and UK.
Common masses seek natural justice from monstrous Indian regime. Humanist activists and cultural agencies in India and elsewhere must express their solidarity for the fasting masses in Kudankulam.
Indian terror premier and innocent looking Manmohan Singh has made a fool of himself by supporting the anti-humanity nuclear gang and threatening the people of Kudankulam with terror attacks at any cost.
India must promote denuclearization and disarmament. Indian regime has just one option now - to wind down their nuclear terror projects in Kudankulam and elsewhere!

د. عبد راف
Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationist; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Columnist-Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc);Former university Teacher; Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by anti-Islamic agencies.Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero-tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices.Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism".Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. /