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Dhara Shah (Law Officer)     27 June 2011

Indian Passport

Dear All,

I have a colleague who is from nepal. He has studied in india and since last 15 years he is in india. Now the problem is he need to go hongkong. So he need a passport. Now as he is not an indian citizen what procedures needs to be followed. As per residency status he has live in india for 180 days in the previous year and for more than 730 days in the last four years.

He has the following documents.

1. Driving License of Gujarat State.

2. Election Card of India

3. PAN Card issued by Govt, of India

4. Electricity bill with his name with current address.

5. SMC bill with his name and address.

6. School Transfer Certificate from Nepal of the year 1995.

Please guide me.


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