Can someone explain about the object, scope and purpose of the Indian Registration Act?
Thanks in advance.
Student (Student) 03 October 2014
Can someone explain about the object, scope and purpose of the Indian Registration Act?
Thanks in advance.
Rangee (Lawyer) 04 October 2014
It is enacted in the year 1902 The Indian Registration Act 1902. Every transfer of immovable property should be registered compulsorily before the Sub Registrar and Stamp duty on the value of property should be paid for the purpose of registration. Once the property is registered it becomes public document and is available for public to see and obtain copies. Mere registration of property does not confer any title or ownership of the property it should be followed by mutation and change of katha in the books of Revenue/Muncipality Records.
Student (Student) 04 October 2014
Thank you sir...