A and B are married and have two girl daughters. B(wife) died when children are 5-6 years old. A married C and A died when he was 45 years and they have no children. C brought up the girls an got them married. Now after their marriages C married D when she was 56 years age and died after one year without leaving any will. Now the dispute is about a property. A had purchased 600 sq yards and built a house durign his time. After his death C built another house on the same land. The earlier built house is given to two daughters of A. Durign the sale C got it incorporated that the two girll daughters have no right in the second building. Now D has claimed the building being successor to C and enjoyed it along with her ornaments and pension. He also died leaving behind two daughters from his first marriage.Now what are the rights of two daughters of A and B in the property C. What would be the rights of daughters of D from his first marriage. kindly advise wether the house can be claimed by the daughters of A and B. As this is complicated I shall be grateful if any Lawyer can give some opinion on this. Thanking you in advance.