single child,mother retired school teacher ,father expired no ancestral property
son have deep venus thrambiosis which is life threatning diseas but he is working as software enginner though this affects his work also he is unmarriied and cant maintain mother due to work style plus disease ( this looks little odd but even famous encounter specialist from mumbai could not attend his mother funeral due to work)
1 ) can son has legal right to ask mother she created .chnaged will
2) can son ask what her assets?
3) the lady did not helped him for study and tried to create havoc always to him while carrer
both below have evidences as
1) when son was working in prestigious company like google ,she gone to bank where his salary account and tried to chnage mobile number assocated with bank,that also2 times same,bank people reverted it back and did not acknowldged ofifically it was mother who chnaged this
2) she told many relatives to ask him for money to lend and later tell them not to give money back