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SURENDHARAN S   13 February 2023

Installation of cricket net in common area

Dear Experts.

Attached is the rough layout of my coummunity

Blue is the building marked as A, B and C with three interconnected blocks and light green is the landscaped area. I have marked the provided amenities as per brocheure. The green area is laid as lawn/walking track but not mentioned as an amenity/TOT-LOT/walking track as per brocherure. The A block residents haven brought the flat as no amenity except the vacant lawn is beside it.

The association and other residents of the other blocks along with few members of A block want to install a cricket net in the vacant area beside A Block which is currently having a grass lawn and a walking strip.

Majority of the A block owners gacing that side do not want this as we have purchesed paying extra charges of Colony Park facing as well as since no amenity is planned there except walking track.

Please let me know what our our rights in this matter


  • Society is registered one year back in telangana but no by-laws written. We are pushing for by-laws first.
  • Majority of resdents (A Block only) facing that side are against this as it will impact the noise and walking area within the premises

Expecting a amicable answer as pet laws





 2 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     13 February 2023

It is unbelievable if a society could be reigistered without a consititution.

SURENDHARAN S   13 February 2023

Unbeliveable but true sir! The society was registered in orderto obtain BANK account for CORPUS FUND and Munical Water Connections. Few of us are challenging the decisions and now urging the importance of by-laws however things like the above said matter are taking precedence. Since its only a new society (1 year old) we dont want to fight or get into the bad shoes for amicable living. However If our rights are being challenged then we have no option but to go by the book.

The by-laws wriiten during registration were

  • providing unity and hamony
  • Encocouraging cultural activities and health chekups

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