Few days back someone from my society had installed a JIoFiber receiver above our roof without our permission. When I complained about it to the society, the secretary told me that it was installed on the wall of the water tank and according to him it's a common place for the society to use. However, that portion of the tank is above our apartment.
In relation to this case I would like to know the following.
1. I would like to know whether I can claim that the part of the water tank which is above my apartment is a part of my property or not?
2. That Jio subscriber stays on the ground floor and the receiver was installed on the roof of the 3rd floor. Does the roof above the 3rd floor belongs to the owners of the 3rd floor only or it also belongs to the owners of other floors of my apartment building?
3. I already escalated this to JIo company but I haven't got any resolution yet. I want to know if it's not done legally then is Jio going to be responsible for this or the subscriber?