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ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     13 August 2008

insurance claim

how to deal with undue delay in settlement of claim?

 14 Replies

nirav (Private)     18 August 2008

Can u b more clear? Give the exact nature of the Grievance.

Ratilal V.Sakaria (Advocate)     21 August 2008

Please Refer clause 9 of Protection of Policyholder's Interest Regulations 2002 By IRDA

For more detail please email on

ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     21 August 2008

we have tried that also

ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     21 August 2008

even no reply under RTI also

ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     21 August 2008

they go on appointing second surveyors

ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     21 August 2008

no action by IRDA too !

Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     22 August 2008

[1] file consumer complaint.
[2] approach Office of Ombudsman
[3] Insurance company is " STATE " as per constitution hence file writ petition seeking directions.

Ratilal V.Sakaria (Advocate)     23 August 2008

I agree with Mr.Salvi except point three as now there are Private companies too in the field. Mr Shah has not clarified the name of Insurer and the reason for delay so also for appointment of second surveyor. Mr. is required to elaborate his issue with regard to type of claim, amount of claim, nature of damamge and the type of policy he purchased. Cause of loss etc.

ca.bhupendrashah (FCADISA)     24 August 2008

flood losses

Ratilal V.Sakaria (Advocate)     25 August 2008

It appears that the claim is for flood losses under Standard Fire and Special perils policy. Now point is How much is the claim amount? what is the subject matter of Insurance? i.e.Stock, Building, or Machanery? If stock then which type of stock

The information supplied by you does not give complete picture to guide you.

Please ensure that the complete information is placed on the forum to enable us to sort out your prblem

Ratilal V.Sakaria (Advocate)     25 August 2008

It appears that the claim is for flood losses under Standard Fire and Special perils policy. Now point is How much is the claim amount? what is the subject matter of Insurance? i.e.Stock, Building, or Machinery? If stock then which type of stock

The information supplied by you does not give complete picture to guide you.

Please ensure that the complete information is placed on the forum to enable us to sort out your prblem

Vinay Chhikara (Legal Expert)     28 August 2008

file consumer complain
approach Office of Ombudsman

Pankaj Rai (Lawyer)     23 February 2009


Rajneesh Malhotra (Advocate)     25 March 2009

You can do the following:-


!. At the first instance you  can approach the insurance ombudsman. I suggest this because its the easiest channel for you.


2. If you are not satisfied with the final order of the Ombudsman, you can always approach the consumer courts.

3. There is no provision of appointment of second surveyor, so plese do not wait for the company to appoint the same.

4. If more than 4-6 months have passed and your claim is still not paid you may initiate the above steps after giving a legal notice for 15 days.

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