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Manish Kumar Gupta (Deputy Legal Manager)     02 November 2011

Insurance company denied to settle claim for vehicle

Dear All,


We are in the business of providing transportation, and one of our insurance company rejected/denied to settle the claims for our commecial vehicles. There are 13-14 claims pending, and they denied to settled the claims due to various but invalid reasons. We are not in the business with that insurance company now.

It is requested to suggest the legal rememdy available to our company, to get settle our claims from them.




 5 Replies

SURESH GODBOLE (ADVOCATE)     02 November 2011

First tryto remove valid reasons

List invalid reasons here and we will see

Manish Kumar Gupta (Deputy Legal Manager)     03 November 2011

The reason for maximum cases is delayed submission of documents, and claim closed, and in others D L sent for verification, report received as fake.

We have given many reminders for the same, but not get any revert.

Please suggest the legal remedy.

anitha Gutti (Advocate)     05 November 2011

Manish sir,

Usually when you insured your vehicles with insurance companies, first you need to read the policy terms and conditions especially regarding the safeguards in protecting the insured property and the claim procedure properly and at the time of claiming verify whether you have complied all the conditions as specified n the policy, submitted the requisite documents particularly in time as mentioned in the claim procedure of the policy while claiming under your policies.  If all the conditions complied by you even then your claim rejected you can file a civil suit where the cause of action aroused and establish that you have taken all steps to protect the insured vehicle and the peril is covered under the scope of the policy.

Even upon submitting your documents properly in time and not acted negligently, you can file the concerned consumer Forum on the ground Deficiency in Service   

Dheeraj Soodhan (E3)     16 November 2011

Dear Manish

Insurance company need all necessary documents whicle processing the claims and its the duty of the insured to provide the same ,in case company has closed your cliams on non justified grounds you can mark the application to Ombusman or MACT of your area depending upon the amount of claim.For CV claims DL is verification is mandatry and claim can be rejected on the basis of fake DL.

Insurance is governed on its basic principles.

I have worked with ICICI LOMBARD and RGICL and its was my daily timetable so for any more doubts mail me

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     19 November 2011

do agree with above

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