Can Insurance Co deny insurance to working minor (More than 14 years age) if the minor is a wage earner and not studying. Since Article 24 allows minors above 14 years to gainfully employed. Please furnish info in light of the Constitution.
nirav (Private) 11 March 2009
Can Insurance Co deny insurance to working minor (More than 14 years age) if the minor is a wage earner and not studying. Since Article 24 allows minors above 14 years to gainfully employed. Please furnish info in light of the Constitution.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil) 14 March 2009
insurance co. can not deny to insure aminor's life.
but as the minor can not enter in to contract there must be a guardian or next friend to consent on behalf of minor and minor will have to ratify the insurance contract when he attains age of majority.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer) 14 March 2009
But even if the minor executes the contract, the insurance company can not escape its liability on the ground that the minor has no power to contract more particularly if the insurance company knows that the workman is minor as the contract is for the benefit of the minor.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil) 14 March 2009
all right. mr. palnitkar's addition is correct. as a genera rule, under acontract no liability can be imposed upon a minor but benefit can always be conferred.