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Anand Thakur   26 January 2022

Intention fraud

I was looking for plot, so I contacted one agent he show me plot but put one intermediate in between and told me that he had deal with land owner and you would have to have deal with this guy. 

That guy also pretended as mediator and took Rs. 1 lac as token in cash ( sign receipts on record). Later I found that there is legal issue (after giving paper notice) in plot and i cancel the deal and ask 1 lac back. From last 10 month he is in contact but not paying amount, he only saying I will once I sold the plot but due to legal issue it's not getting sold. 

Few days back I come to know that he paid Rs.50 k to the owner and 50k with him only. Many time I ask agent to look in to this but he refusing that he had no concern and didn't took money. 

I have only receipts in hand but no notorised or valid documents that we had deal even he didn't do any documents with plot owners 

Both are using my money, can you advice how to recover money and how can I file case of required. 

Both agent and that mediators are involved in this and always say lie to cover each other. 




 3 Replies

PALLABH HALDAR   28 January 2022

Try to collect evidences in the form of messages and record call in between you and agent then go to the police station with these evidences if he is satisfied he will lodge an FIR.

But still if FIR is not lodged police will write a complain.


Advocate Pallabh Haldar

Megha   29 January 2022


As a first step, please file a FIR at the nearest police station against the broker along with the receipts of payment and also submit the screenshots of chat between you and the broker, if any, wherein he has agrees to pay money at a later point in time or atleast the chats between you two must evidence that he has your token money. 

You may consider filing a case of cheating and fraud and section 415 and 420 of the Indian Penal code. 

Best regards,

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     04 February 2022

given mat3rial appears sufficient for FIR.

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