Generally how much interim maintanence is given to a wife in a DV case, if both husband and wife are educated and capable of working? What is the general range of mainteneance amount given by court?
MrDinoMorea (O) 02 September 2013
Generally how much interim maintanence is given to a wife in a DV case, if both husband and wife are educated and capable of working? What is the general range of mainteneance amount given by court?
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 10 September 2013
Speculative query. It all depends on the facts of respective case.
stanley (Freedom) 12 September 2013
if wife is educated and capable of working till the time she gets a job you would have to pay her approx 1/3 rd of your salary although there is no hard and fast rule as such for this .
1. Now as you do not want to disclose your salary you can calculate the same as only you are aware of your salary .
2. She would also claim right to residence or rent in lieu if you do not want to keep her in your house .
3. She may also ask for compensation
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 14 September 2013
I don't agree with Stanley, it may vary from state to state and case to case.