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LaniL (secretary)     03 May 2011

Internships: How parents can help grads find them

It is a fact of life that college career centers seldom play an essential role in helping graduate get a career. Thus, college students have to be motivated, and mothers and fathers have to be willing to help. The role of parents can't be overstated here, argues Fox Business. With active involvement, the road toward student internships can be easier to travel. Source of article - Parents can help college grads secure internships by MoneyBlogNewz.

College students doing internships

Most parents are hoping the college education their children get will eventually pay off. Yet most colleges don't take an active role in connecting graduates with jobs, and most university students who have lived in the collegiate social incubator for four years or more aren't in the career mindset upon graduation. Thus, parents have their work cut out for them.

A student internship is excellent way to test drive a career field to determine whether it's an appropriate choice, plus it can give a student an inside track to a paid position. Parents can certainly help graduates get internship opportunities.

Face time is most essential

Nothing is more essential that being face-to-face with an employers, although it might be helpful to use online social networking. University students will do much better if they know how to network. Mothers and fathers can certainly help with this. It can really help to get personal with somebody getting you into a job. Many people hiring will look at the “go-getters.” They are usually the best choices. According to Woody Allen, “Eighty percent of success is just showing up.” This is very true.

Do not discard online social media in the process, suggests Fox Business. Many university students will do well to use social recruiting apps on Facebook. Consider going to for help. You may also want to online network with LinkedIn.

See who you know

There are some people in important positions with social networking. Ask for favors sometimes. Parents should not be afraid to call people they know if it means helping their graduates acquire an internship.

The 'Big Five' to remember

I Am Next; is a student career blog that suggests the following for being a good intern:

Make sure your supervisor likes you. This is essential.

  Pay your dues. Work hard.

  Understand what you are after.

Appreciate the lessons learned from your supervisor.

Do not leave the internship without a letter of recommendation.

Articles cited

Fox Business

I Am Next

Student internships are a learning opportunity

 1 Replies

leena (student)     03 May 2011

gud one

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