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Harsha Vardhana R (Project Manager)     16 March 2016

Invoking rti to trace old property

Dear Experts,


One of my friends is in a piquant situation. When he was very young (more than 30 yeas back), a revenue site (officially mentioned as agricultural land in sale deed) was purchased in his name. It just mentions Survey No, the owner name, the dimensions and just 1 neighbour in the sale deed. It marks the site as a corner-site too. No details like street-number or site-number are present in the deed (mostly due to non-conversion)


My friend was virually unaware of the details of the property for a long time. But luckily he has been able to get the original sale-deed. Even Sub-registrar Office has clarified that it is indeed registered in his name. That agricultural land has been transformed into a residential place.


As both his parents have demised and old-time folks are unable to remember the exact location. There are offers of a buy at throw-away prices that strongly hint that my friend is still a owner but nobody is co-operating to trace the exact location.


My friend is contemplating invoking RTI for tracing his property.Would RTI be helpful in tracing the property of this type.



Harsha Vardhana R 


 1 Replies

Altaf Pirani (Advocate)     16 March 2016

Make an application to the concerned city survey office and pay the requisite fee. The Government surveyor would identify the land and also provide you a survey report.
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