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k madhaba achari   17 December 2020

IPC applicable

What IPC section applies to damaging the vehicle of a person

 5 Replies

Sandeep Chandran   17 December 2020

Sec 427 IPC
1 Like

175B083 Mahesh P S   17 December 2020


When you damage someone’s vehicle you can be held liable under section 427 of IPC, 

Whoever commits mischief and thereby causes loss or damage to the amount of fifty rupees or upwards, shall be punished with imprisonment of either descripttion for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.



mahesh verma (service)     17 December 2020

Section 425 of i p c will be applicable for damage of personal vehicle

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     18 December 2020

SECTION 425 IPC is reproduced herewith for the information of lazy students/ quriest:

425. Mischief.—Whoever with intent to cause, or knowing that he is likely to cause, wrongful loss or damage to the public or to any person, causes the destruction of any property, or any such change in any property or in the situation thereof as destroys or diminishes its value or utility, or affects it injuriously, commits “mischief”.

Explanation 1.—It is not essential to the offence of mischief that the offender should intend to cause loss or damage to the owner of the property injured or destroyed. It is sufficient if he intends to cause, or knows that he is likely to cause, wrong­ful loss or damage to any person by injuring any property, wheth­er it belongs to that person or not.

Explanation 2.—Mischief may be committed by an act affecting property belonging to the person who commits the act, or to that person and others jointly. Illustrations

(a) A voluntarily burns a valuable security belonging to Z in­tending to cause wrongful loss to Z. A has committed mischief.

(b) A introduces water into an ice-house belonging to Z and thus causes the ice to melt, intending wrongful loss to Z. A has committed mischief.

(c) A voluntarily throws into a river a ring belonging to Z, with the intention of thereby causing wrongful loss to Z. A has com­mitted mischief.

(d) A, knowing that his effects are about to be taken in execu­tion in order to satisfy a debt due from him to Z, destroys those effects, with the intention of thereby preventing Z from obtain­ing satisfaction of the debt, and of thus causing damage to Z. A has committed mischief.

(e) A, having insured a ship, voluntarily causes the same to be cast away, with the intention of causing damage to the under-writers. A has committed mischief.

(f) A causes a ship to be cast away, intending thereby to cause damage to Z who has lent money on bottomry on the ship. A has committed mischief.

(g) A, having joint property with Z in a horse, shoots the horse, intending thereby to cause wrongful loss to Z. A has committed mischief.

(h) A causes cattle to enter upon a field belonging to Z, intend­ing to cause and knowing that he is likely to cause damage to Z’s crop. A has committed mischief.

Samayeta Bal   18 December 2020

Hey there,

You can go through the following article to get a detailed answer to your query.

I hope I could answer your query. 

With regards,

Samayeta Bal

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